Steem Monsters: $3000 and counting

in #steemmonsters5 years ago

I'm happy to let you know that since tournaments have formed that Players have been awarded $3000 in cards and crypto through the automated tournament system. THAT WAS 8 DAYS AGO!!!

Are you playing? Do you even Steem Monsters brah? Is it fun to watch others earn while playing a game while you're sitting on the sideline?

We built this game with the idea that not everyone could earn through blogging. We wanted a game that would invite the world into the rewards that crypto can provide. So, now you can play a game, earn crypto, hodl tokens, trade them, and sell them when you're done.

You should play!


One way to track how the game is progressing is by watching the marketcap. We got hurt just like everyone else in the crypto market. Bitcoin lost 85%+ of it's value. Steem went from $10 to 26 cents.

Everyone got rekt. All tokens lost value and SM was no exception. And it hurt. That said, since we launched tournaments we've been able to do something awesome. We strongly reversed a trend in the middle of the longest bear market in the history of bitcoin. What do you think will happen to Steem Monsters in a bull run?

We have a bot in the Steem Monsters Discord Server that calculates Marketcap. The bot isn't perfect, but we can track the same number over time and it gives us some sense of the value of the cards. You can see as the market crashed Steem Monsters was hurt, but you can in the last week or so that Steem Monsters has regained $55-60k in value.

Tournaments have been live on the main site for 1 WEEK and we're up $60k what do you think will happen when it's been a year?

What the future holds

My crystal ball doesn't work, and I don't know where prices will be tomorrow or a year from now, but when I look at that chart and know what's coming I get excited.

Delegation, the ability to trustlessly rent cards to other players, will open up the game to new players at a very affordable price and Hodlers will have a chance to earn a passive income. We were worried nearly a year ago when we opened up gifting as an option as it made it so that players could work with eachother rather than buy cards directly from Steem Monsters. BUT, because there's more economic freedom it's easier to make a purchase because you know there's more liquidity for the card. I think gifting and trading accelerated sales. I predict the same thing here.

While it's possible that delegation could hurt sales temporarily that's not what I envision happening. I see a world where new players come in by renting whole pre-built decks on alt accounts without the threat of theft to the owner, I see card hodlers with little time purchasing cards with the intent to rent them out, and I see players with little money able to play at higher levels and enjoy the game more than ever before. How do you think this will impact the game?

Next up is Dark Energy Crystals; an in game currency. Having an in game currency that can be traded on a DEX available to everyone on Steem, tying it to new products like skins, in game boosts, and votes from the @steemmonsters account will drive engagement. You'll literally get paid for your wins! Trade that token for in game goods, cards from peers, votes from Steem Monsters, and new expasion stuff we'll launch on the site after DEC exists.

One key feature of the expansion is that players can melt cards down to get DEC. What do you think will happen to supply of cards if suddenly everyone can take cards they no longer want and turn them into DEC to spend on other stuff? What do you think will happen to the price of cards?

The time is now

I can't tell you what's right for your family, finances, or friends, but I know what's right for me. I'm already the largst hodler of Steem Monsters cards and I'm simply here to inform you I keep buying them. I buy the golds to win the big tournaments, I buy summoners which everyone needs to rent out later, and with DEC even closer I'm buying the cheapest cards out there with a plan to melt'm down and get other stuff.

If you're on a break from Steem Monsters I'd encourage you to come back! If you're already playing consider pushing up a tier. If you're brand new to the game consider dipping your toe in.

The trend is your friend and this trend looks great!

I hope this post was informative and enjoyable as that was the sole intention!


Its good to hear about your future plans @aggroed and despite my post which you didnt seem to keen on, I'm still onboard, hoping you can deliver something and get SM back to the number one spot.

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What do you think will happen to Steem Monsters in a bull run?

I think it’ll be boom 💥 and I must surely witness that dear aggroed.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Steemmonsters is the best in-depth blockchain game to play and you can win $$$ keep the momentum growing.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great read @aggroed I agree with your view and perspective on Steemmonsters and right now I don't really see anything that comes close to it from the point of gameplay, freedom to trade cards and Tournament features.
Will the new DEC currency also be used on the market place to purchase cards?

plan is an optional yes

As far as I understand it that would close the circle of melting cards into DEC and than purchasing new cards from the market.
This could probably lead to a highly lucrative trading environment because of the different arbitrage possibilities between DEC/Steem and Card values in Steem and in DEC.
I also see it from this perspective that I'm not anymore stucked with cards that are not really used by the community e.g. Dragon Whelp. I could than melt him down and get DEC for it and than go to the market and purchase the cards I want.

@aggroed, Yes, every stuff is not for everyone and that's why different options are vital. As you said same way everyone is not blogger so these kind of gaming platforms will going to enhance the experience in Steem Economy. And in my opinion from the starting point to till now the graph of Steemmonsters went up and it showcase that it will stand on the strong position. Stay blessed.

Great job so far. I am looking forward to DEC.

And the founder is also one of the largest investor - this fact alone is a very positive sign.

Thanks for the updates! I don't anticipate Delegation having much impact on the game though. This caters to the 1% who are only interested in $$, please consider focusing on bringing new players to the table rather than cater to the heavily invested players. Focus on the needs of those with the fewest cards and it will also go to benefit those with the most cards. I unfortunately just don't see how this will result in an affordable option for new players to enter the game, maybe im missing something..

DEC - Doesn't matter if this is on a DEX, that may help the game generate revenue which is awesome! but this needs to be purchasable by credit card directly from SM website/app so new players can enter the game without having to go through registering on an exchange, KYC, learning how to use the market and buying ETH, then trading it to STEEM, then purchasing cards/packs. This process needs fewer steps to lower the barriers to entry. I believe being able to purchase DEC directly with fiat would do this, eliminate all barriers to entry at all costs! go go go!

Additional thoughts...

Focus on earning and being paid - just being honest that its a little concerning that there is so much focus on earning and being "paid". This game needs to be about having FUN playing a game, that should be the number 1 message being communicated and implemented. To focus on anything else would be to miss the mark.

Marketing - Please pretty please with cherries on top consider hiring an outside agency to work with you guys that has a couple games in its portfolio and you like the work they've done. The social media accounts are completely underutilized, its a snooze fest, the guy running those hasn't a clue about creating value add content. You should fire them and turn that ship around asap. Hunt down some young gun influencers in the gaming scene that have their content game on lock.

Would love to see something in your message and communications that demonstrates how you will bring new players to the table, which needs to be a priority. I'm not sure who your marketing adviser and mentors are but hoping you have some tricks up your sleeve!

Long winded reply to your message only because I care, really enjoy playing the game, am invested and want to see this game reach the masses! Keep on crushing it!

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