
in #chill6 years ago

Today felt like one of the first mornings that was a bit more chill here in Finland compared to the other days. I was one of the people complaining about the Finnish winters and wanting the heat to come as soon as possible but I sure was not prepared for this heat. This was literally the first year I had to go out and buy a fan as the apartment was getting so hot, not just during the days but during the nights too. It feels weird not being used to this heat, especially knowing that 30-35c is not a lot compared to other countries that witness 40c+ daily, I can't even imagine what it would feel like to live there right now.

Without going too much into "global warming" as I'm sure has been discussed and mentioned way too many times recently, I did stumble upon a great video on youtube that explained quite well the current heatwave. Apparently its not just global warming but a nice mix of several things that leads to these record level heat waves we are seeing all around the world today.

This video was published by youtuber Simon Clarke and it explains it quite well and its created in a good way that keeps you concentrated with a tad of humor in it.

As jealous of Iceland as one can be after watching that video, it felt so awesome when we finally saw some rain here in Finland and it seems that right after that the temperature started to drop quite a bit. Today as I stepped on my balcony I could feel the cold cement on my feet for the first time and I just stood there for a bit enjoying the fresh air.

Its weird how the mind works, we often get used to something and keep longing for a change, when the change hits we are so unprepared for it that we long for the old colder days back instantly. It kind of reminds me of us Steemians here way back when the front-end had some issues and everyone started to panic and try anything to get their Steem addiction clenched. Its that whole "you don't know what you've got until its gone" feeling and for Steemians I think its way stronger than any other site on the internet. I know we like to complain a lot about different things as we all are shareholders of the currency and its easy to feel the need for our voice to be heard or to feel entitled about things. During times like those the negative shouts are often heard the most than the ones trying to remain calm and let people know that everything is going to be alright - but it also tells you that a lot of people here would be devastated if the site suddenly stopped running, or in worse case scenario - the blockchain.

I'm not just writing this to point out the obvious, but comparing it to Reddit or other sites I don't think that I would be all too annoyed by not being able to reach it for a few days. Maybe this tells us a lot more about the real worth of the Steem blockchain compared to others?

Those who are often focused on the price and keep thinking that this is not going anywhere, I usually tell them to chill and just think long term, the times of getting "rich quick", etc are over and most of the swings in crypto's lifetime have not happened all too often, but when they do things change rather quick and you don't want to be left holding those paper note scams. :)

Hope you all had a nice weekend, I'm going to be trying to post more this week and get the Fantasy Football going and some news about OCD and other cool things!

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I don't think that I would be all too annoyed by not being able to reach [other sites] for a few days. Maybe this tells us a lot more about the real worth of the Steem blockchain compared to others?

Yeah. We have like, a society here, man. A community. A little cult, or something. I like it. When the blockchain froze like a couple months ago or whatever, watching everyone coming together and keeping each other (mis)informed was great and I've never really seen anything like it.

I do hope Steemit Inc can solve some of the problems that seem to keep happening with Steemit though. It seems every week or couple of weeks there's a day where votes aren't going through, or pages aren't loading, and it's kind of a drag. Yesterday was one of those days I think; my votes weren't going through so I just gave up. Could have been just me though.

Glad to hear things are starting to cool down for you guys. After everything I've heard this summer though, you folks are never allowed to bitch about the cold winters ever again ^_^

Couldn't agree more with this Lemony!! There are so many like-minded people that connect with each other here.

It has been very hot in New York City , rain came in two days in a row causing more humidity . Noticed the weather this year is a lot more sticky sticky

Good morning, @acidyo. Today was the first chill morning here in Norway as well; taking the dogs out to pee when I woke up was definitely a lot colder than I expected. The ironic part is that it's 10 degrees, so it's not even cold, it's just a lot less hot than I had anticipated.

Just as you said it - I wouldn't mind any other site not working for a few days and more. Only if Steemit is not working then all you do is try to connect via esteem or to satisfy your need haha

Steem is down now but I heard from a lot of experienced people that we need to be patient and that the real crypto peopld are HODLing.

So, that's what I'm going to do. I believe in STEEM and I changed everything in my real life so I can spend more time on Steemit.. Unfortunatelly, I still don't know how to trade or be better/faster at earning, but I am learning everyday.

The winter is coming :)

Man, don't let me start on the heat.... I can't take it. Had to stop 2 streams in the last couple of days beacuse of the 35+ temperatures and the fact my craptop gets so hot you can make ham and eggs onit doesn't help. Wish I bumped into an abandoned gaming pc next time I go out because that's my only chance of an upgrade currently -.-

I'm not surprised you had to buy a fan @acidyo; I'm going to guess that houses in Finland are designed to keep warmth IN rather than OUT... so I'm guessing that would make these heat waves pretty unbearable.

Here in the northwest corner of the USA it's also unusually hot and we're grateful for those days when a cool sea fog blankets everything till at least early afternoon... at least it gives us a chance to cool the house for a few hours...


I'm glad you're talking about it, man! I just see with concern that many people in steem speak ill of the platform. I wonder if it's bad, why don't you get out? They don't realize that by speaking badly, they are hurting themselves. These are things I still don't understand. Thanks for this post!

@acidyo, indeed, let's keep on reminding everyone that we should be thinking long-term about our beloved steem.

We, the cryptonians should see a long term investment and not a quick and easy cash. Crypto is so volatile that we never know when it will skyrocket coz as of now, it still struggle to spike up and all we can do is really to chill :)

Those who are often focused on the price and keep thinking that this is not going anywhere, I usually tell them to chill and just think long term, the times of getting "rich quick", etc are over and most of the swings in crypto's lifetime have not happened all too often, but when they do things change rather quick and you don't want to be left holding those paper note scams. :)

I’m actually enjoying low STEEM price feed. It truly is time for people to accept that linear is for longevity and that we should bend over to early stage whales/wallets who came for ponzi n^whatever and had utopian get rich quick rewards, with some internal circle jerk inflation too.

This is not and ICO. This is road to IPO crypto alternative.

And with this price feed... let’s honestly enjoy the faster growth in vests while we still can. In a year or so, or when STEEM hits $4 and higher again, people are going to cry they don’t grow SP anymore. Can never win, right.

PS: Need your feedback in Discord (DM).

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