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RE: Chill

in #chill6 years ago (edited)

Those who are often focused on the price and keep thinking that this is not going anywhere, I usually tell them to chill and just think long term, the times of getting "rich quick", etc are over and most of the swings in crypto's lifetime have not happened all too often, but when they do things change rather quick and you don't want to be left holding those paper note scams. :)

I’m actually enjoying low STEEM price feed. It truly is time for people to accept that linear is for longevity and that we should bend over to early stage whales/wallets who came for ponzi n^whatever and had utopian get rich quick rewards, with some internal circle jerk inflation too.

This is not and ICO. This is road to IPO crypto alternative.

And with this price feed... let’s honestly enjoy the faster growth in vests while we still can. In a year or so, or when STEEM hits $4 and higher again, people are going to cry they don’t grow SP anymore. Can never win, right.

PS: Need your feedback in Discord (DM).

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