
There sure are a lot of medical professionals who are anti-vaccine - I guess they must all be idiots. Or maybe it has something to do with the proven corruption in the field, the law that prevents vaccine manufacturers from being sued in the normal way (intended to protect them) and the reality that normal drug trials are not performed on vaccines for safety because.. safety trials would be 'unethical'. lol

Thanks, for this link, I will watch it later when I get home.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are welcome. It's from Jeff Berwick - I don't agree with everything he thinks, but he is probably the best known anarcho capitalist and generally does understand anarchic principles - upon which Steem is built.

But do they believe men went to the moon?
I will deal with vaccinations in a separate post. I haven't full clarified what I'm talking about, some vaccinations are unnecessary or unsuitable for some people.

In the meantime, I am comfortable calling all doctors who are against vaccines idiots without further information.

Posted using Partiko Android

The moon and vaccinations are totally different topics.
If you are going to judge medical professionals without taking the time to look into the topic then we have nothing to discuss.

Agreed. I will have a look at more information and handle it in a separate post. From what I know very few doctors are against vaccines and the debate tends to focus on some kind of cover up and a lack of research, so I need to look into that more.

Posted using Partiko Android

I can show a list of about 100 doctors - some of whom are in the top of their fields and some who have actually worked developing vaccines professionally - who state on record that basically, vaccines are 'junk science'. In fact, that phrase is a quote from one of the original inventors of numerous vaccines - later as an old man.
If you look into the work of Del Bigtree and the people he works with, you will find that almost always, the 'expert' doctors who think that vaccines are safe and effective have not actually looked properly into the science.

I've heard France is the most vaccine hesitant country in the world.
I've been offered money to take part in medical trials, but I'm not desparate for cash, lol.

I'll read this later.

Posted using Partiko Android

Recently an assistant professor of mathematics told me he doesn't believe the moon landing happened when it did, but much later. Well, I don't know enough to argue the issue, I basically believe on authority that we went there (just as I believe that countries I never visited do exist): specifically, the conspiracy would mean that some of my heroes, like Carl Sagan, lied about this, or weren't smart enough to see through the conspiracy.

:D resteem. Those people are another dimension. Sometimes there are really interesting conspiracies and then suddenly they mess it up with pulling the alien/reptiloid/jew card. Its like suicide with Ockhams razor.

Real assholes are the esoterics(not spirituals) denying physical laws while at the same time using a computer and the internet and everything around their lazy asses comes from research. And when they brake a leg, they cry for medicine, why dont they use their force? But its unfair most of them are mentaly ill.

I'll entertain conspiracies that are political or social based because you never know the depravity of man. Some like Ghost busters, Alex Jones and Ancient Aliens are mostly just controversial comedians who got caught up in it. They watched too much xfiles and xmen movies.
I forgot about the esoterics and new aged spiritualists. A lot of them are just con artists praying on the weak minded. If you can really do it, you will pass a test. They always have an excuse to avoid that. Crystal and pyramid healers, breatharians tarot readers and psychics.
Most are harmless fun, but anyone asking for serious money and offering hope or dangerous things like avoiding hospitals is a con. In Korea the traditional doctors are trying to get access to modern medical machines but thankfully the government and medicial doctors are very opposed to this.

Posted using Partiko Android

The moon landing definitely happened. The only problem is the idiots who deny this are too stupid to ever go up there and see the overwhelming evidence.

Lol, they always say there is no evidence. I suppose God put the lander, some footprints, their garbage, and an American flag up there just to trick us.

I've noticed that people with anti-science conspiratorial beliefs fall into a number of camps. Here are what I think are the 3 main ones:

A. The "truther" who is somebody who questions mainstream knowledge and often has conspiratorial beliefs. However, they are willing to change their belief when shown evidence that challenges that belief.

B. The "fundy" who is somebody who derives importance from being one of a select few people having a belief in a conspiracy. These people will not change their belief position when given evidence to challenge that conspiracy. Instead they will declare the evidence faked.

C. The "POE" are people that claim to believe in a conspiracy, but don't truly believe in it. They often do it for some personal gain (financial or attention). Quite a few prominent flat earth you-tubers probably fit this category.

This sums it up well. I think C category enjoys a place on it's own because it's sinister. B is the one who needs professional help and should be avoided. A usually just needs a better educatiom and may have trust issues.

Posted using Partiko Android

But my father's friend's uncle posted it on Facebook, so it must be true! Or not true. Whatever they said because I don't want to have to think critically for myself. ;)

Is that the uncle who went to prison for fraud or the one who went to rehab?


Posted using Partiko Android

Antivaxers are the worst, i believe their science is based off one guy who lost his license. It's so hard not to downvote these people. 5g conspiracy theorists too, those are just radio waves.

I am pretty sure the moon landing happened, unlike with vaccinations effectiveness at reducing the risk of getting sick I'm not 100% certain about the moon landings. 4% of us gdp could fake moon landings easier than they could achieve it. The space race was definetely propaganda.

Why haven't the Americans been back? Surely they could have set up a base by now, rocket tech has greatly improved and so have computers. This is the real conspiracy. Spending trillions of dollars in the middle East and Afghanistan for questionable objectives would have been much better spent on building a moon base.

If another country gets there first and establish a base they will be the Christopher Colombus and the Americans will be the vikings of moon history.

Posted using Partiko Android

Antivaxers scare me and everyone posting here gives me the impression they are aggressive. There is obviously some psychological condition behind it. 5g people don't understand the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. It's like not understanding the difference between hot and cold.

The space race was propaganda. It ended with the moon because they knew to get men to Mars at the time was impossible. The Soviets, Chinese or even European Union would love to deny Americans went to the moon first if there was any credibility to the disbelief, but then they would become the butt of all jokes.

I think someone is going to establish a base, but until they commercialize it somehow it is pointless.

People have most of the time a small vision of what is possible to achieve.

The people who think it fake are just not capable of any true achievement.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice one. I've had my battles over conspiracies here before (especially anti-vaxxers), and from what I learned, there is absolutely NOTHING to change their mind. They want to believe bullshit, they will follow any twist of logic to believe it.
I think what we have to keep in mind is that besides the hardcore conspiracy disciples, there are those who are unsecure, who are searching for the truth. And those we have to speak to.

There is definitely a serious mental block with these people and probably worse mental issues and trust issues at play.

The anti-vaxxers are worried about their health. They probably have a stronger motivation than most. I agree that needles make ouchies.

I would argue that gold-bugs and new world order people are stronger here because of the cryptocurrencies thing. Tbeir arguements are too diverse to singlehandly target and some points are valid.

Posted using Partiko Android

There are Americans who believe the moon landing was faked. So much for nationalism. I think it's just something people come up with because they want a way to fight the status quo and can't come up with anything factual (despite plenty of evidence the status quo is wrong about a lot of things), so they just make stuff up. The moon landing was faked is a good thing to make up because you're likely not arguing with anyone who actually did it. You can feel superior while you sound like an idiot.

I guess Americans who think it's fake are contrarians or unpatriotic in the military = freedom and eagle on the moon kinda way.
You are right that most people who believe it was fake don't mingle with rocket scientists, lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

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