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RE: Conspiracy, Anti-Science and the Moon Landing

in #space5 years ago

:D resteem. Those people are another dimension. Sometimes there are really interesting conspiracies and then suddenly they mess it up with pulling the alien/reptiloid/jew card. Its like suicide with Ockhams razor.

Real assholes are the esoterics(not spirituals) denying physical laws while at the same time using a computer and the internet and everything around their lazy asses comes from research. And when they brake a leg, they cry for medicine, why dont they use their force? But its unfair most of them are mentaly ill.


I'll entertain conspiracies that are political or social based because you never know the depravity of man. Some like Ghost busters, Alex Jones and Ancient Aliens are mostly just controversial comedians who got caught up in it. They watched too much xfiles and xmen movies.
I forgot about the esoterics and new aged spiritualists. A lot of them are just con artists praying on the weak minded. If you can really do it, you will pass a test. They always have an excuse to avoid that. Crystal and pyramid healers, breatharians tarot readers and psychics.
Most are harmless fun, but anyone asking for serious money and offering hope or dangerous things like avoiding hospitals is a con. In Korea the traditional doctors are trying to get access to modern medical machines but thankfully the government and medicial doctors are very opposed to this.

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