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RE: Conspiracy, Anti-Science and the Moon Landing

in #space5 years ago

I've noticed that people with anti-science conspiratorial beliefs fall into a number of camps. Here are what I think are the 3 main ones:

A. The "truther" who is somebody who questions mainstream knowledge and often has conspiratorial beliefs. However, they are willing to change their belief when shown evidence that challenges that belief.

B. The "fundy" who is somebody who derives importance from being one of a select few people having a belief in a conspiracy. These people will not change their belief position when given evidence to challenge that conspiracy. Instead they will declare the evidence faked.

C. The "POE" are people that claim to believe in a conspiracy, but don't truly believe in it. They often do it for some personal gain (financial or attention). Quite a few prominent flat earth you-tubers probably fit this category.


This sums it up well. I think C category enjoys a place on it's own because it's sinister. B is the one who needs professional help and should be avoided. A usually just needs a better educatiom and may have trust issues.

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