On work, relocation, and when it doesn't go to plan

in #life6 years ago

A couple of people have asked me where I am currently, and although I have a pie chart waiting for you, I suppose I should write a little today....

Mislata, Valencia. Spain.

On the 19th February I received confirmation that the United Nations wanted me back as a SharePoint Administrator over in Valencia. The recruitment consultant said I was a 'shoe-in', but the long gap and reasons for leaving made me not so sure. Anyway, they did want me back, and 10 days later I electronically signed a contract for a 6 month deal.

Five days later my bags were packed and I flew to Valencia, just a 40 minute trip over the Balearic Sea. That afternoon I met with a local called Nacho, who's AirBnb I'd reserved when I first entered the city 2.5 years ago. This time he was booked for this busy time in the city, Las Fallas (Fires) are a must see/hear, but perhaps only once or twice in close proximity or you'll end up with ears and lungs like the locals.


This photo was taken into direct sunlight on a cloudless afternoon just after 2 pm.

The morning following my arrival, I had got up early to make the most of the awesome weather, and to sort out some administration tasks, which included taxes, social security, doctors, etc. I'd just finished the first of the three, which if your Spanish is lousy is a total ball-ache, (Luckily, there's always one person at these places with decent English, and yes I know, I should be speaking in Spanish in Spain!) and I received a call from the UK, where the consultancy firm is based, telling me that my contract was on hold.

Well I'm here!

I said. He apologized, or swore, or both, but it was clear the news wasn't good. Three days later the update still wasn't good and so I decided to book a flight back to Mallorca, a week after arriving and at the end of my AirBnB stay. It's pretty weird being somewhere you know quite well, but you don't need to be, and knowing you are leaving soon. On a tight budget, e.g. it's all borrowed, this just adds more to the 'well this isn't much fun' feeling, and I think during that week I produced 9 pieces of content here - a record for me.

The day after I arrived 'home', I received an email stating that I'd made the right call to fly back and not wait around on the off-chance that the UN has found some cash down the sofa. The role, according to the recruiter and based on previous history, could well appear again in the next 3/4 months. I'm still interested, although people tell me otherwise, and that amount of time is potentially do-able, but there is an obvious chance that it could well be longer, or not at all.

Power a bit more down and ride it out? Is an option, but selling STEEM at 45 cents is not something I enjoy doing. A dollar could be a little more interesting though :) Then there are the possibilities of looking elsewhere, which so far have all ended up being in the UK. And because I'm not based there, and have an 18 month gap in employment, I guess I'm more of a risk than other potential candidates. Luckily my mum isn't on my case too much yet, but I do think i'm coming towards the end of my long welcome period - oh and I owe her some money :) (Thanks mum!)

So why the 'hope' graffiti?

Well it looks pretty cool I think, and on top of that, I get the chance to do something this weekend that I was due to miss with the new job in Valencia. It's not SteemFest 4, but it will give me some of those vibes again I think. You'll have to wait a day or two though to find out the details, or DYOR research. It'll be a reasonable consolation for things not turning out as planned in Valencia, and following the weekend I will start to seriously consider options again.

Or STEEM could do 100%, and take the pressure off a little :)




When you have a reputation of being on top of things then do a post of complaining. Not good dude ;). Your not @tarazkp.

The way the job worked out sucks. I am having a hard time with it. I can only speculate on how hard this has to be on you.

The job market now a days takes forever to start. That’s because they can because there are ten people for every job. I am so glad I am not in the job market now.

My son just took a job with the State and the process to start can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Beer time. !!!!

I'm not sure where I've gotten that reputation from - I've not felt on top of things for many years!

Thank you very much for the beer money, that is very kind - I do feel like a bit of a charity case when I get transfers, it's really not the reason for pushing out updates like these!

Thank you though, I shall likely buy groceries but may sneak one beverage in there, which actually equates to almost exactly 2 SBD. Cheers!

I stiil have to send the ENGAGE token. Its a shame when all the SBD I have is 2. LOL now that is a shame. The updates have help me over the past year and I enjoy them. There is no doubt that you will keep pushing out the updates :)

Don't worry about that, I take SBD/beer tokens as well :D

I have some plans for token distribution, and will be posting about it tomorrow maybe for more ideas.

That's shitty, you've been very self-contained not venting more!

I guess you're experiencing being a flexible labour-market commodity... the big boys make the plans and when there's no job after all it's the worker-clients that pay the price.

There really needs to be proper compensation mechs put in place for this sort of thing!

At least you made the best of it. Hope the next opp turns into something real.

Better off out of that smog haze in the meantime!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah back to the smogfree zone of Mallorca for the time being. We'll see how long it lasts this time!

Damn! What a bummer to fly out there and for them to pull out. Beaurucrats! (Which I know I can't spell correctly!

Yeah - think they can do whatever they like! I'll show them, when i ask for the moon on a stick next time :D

I think you need another 'u', or maybe two more - I'm a duff speller too!

1$? Let's go to 10$ already!

But seriously, they screwed up big time and they better call you with a REALLY good offer soon! Until then it's more and more scraping, and that sucks, it has been like that for so long now. I think many of us could use a breather right about now :-)

Fingers crossed for the cool thing that's not SF4 :D I was happy to join a London meetup two weeks ago and have another one in Aachen this weekend - wh00p! It's all survival until the 'real thing' :')

We have never been to $10, but alright :D

If I get another offer I might have to haggle the contract a little - salary+perks to see how guilty they are feeling. It's a business though, so probably no guilt at all!

Meet-ups are sweet, I'm glad you are making time for them. This one is on my doorstep as it turns out :D

:D Yes, make them feel guilty :P You can always try to have at least some moving costs in advance 'because last time I made costs for nothing' ;-)

Enjoy the meet-up on your doorstep! Sounds fun! :D

Yes exactly - I'm not coming over unless you cover it all based on last time!

I shall do that, thank you :D

SharePoint admin hey? I haven't used SharePoint for a while, but I liked it when I did. Using Google Sheets and Docs now, which is actually surprisingly awesome for change management... and SAP, which is super terrible for docs.

I jump around a bit job-wise... and it's seriously Friday to Monday old job new job or months of waiting and dicking around. I've even started jobs weeks before they were ready, with no computer or anything, just, ah, waiting.

Yep :)

I actually built a Change Management process in SP for an old workplace with a couple of workflows and lists. Worked really good actually and I believe they are still using it 6 years later :D

Jumping around sounds alright, I think for me to do that i'd need to be on home soil though. Think I'd rather wait a few more months, scrape by, and see if this one re-appeared. Sunshine days coming soon here :)

Bad luck man. Make the best of it.
One positive note: at least you can wear flipflops all day again.

That is a real bonus, although at present it's a bit chilly without socks. Need to set fire to my toe hairs before unveiling too, I got standards!

Hahaha. I got standards! LMAO ...

Why are you laughing??!! hahaha

I had this vision of you burning that toe hair and setting half the room on fire, hahaha.


Something that should be done outside - hair doesn't smell so good when burned! Works good though, shaving toes... ain't nobody got time for that!

That's a bit frustrating... do you mean they offered contract then reneged? Crazy. You sound relatively calm for such a cock up. Thank god for Mums. Xxx

Posted using Partiko Android

Offered, I signed, then they changed their minds. And yeah, plenty of fine print in the contract allowing this 'unlikely' incident.

A few weeks have passed, I've given lots of data posts and allowed time to cool off :)

Well done you for waiting to calm down first. I would have vented like crazy. Well, maybe not on the blockchain tbh... Thank god for data, huh? For you not me. Data makes me nuts... 🙄😜😖🤯🤯😱🤮

Posted using Partiko Android

I have vented a couple of times on the blockchain, and it didn't go so well / felt a bit silly afterwards - learned my lesson :)

Data, when presented as information, can be super interesting, but sometimes very boring too!

take my 100%.

but I would also not be sad if steem would creep to 1$

Thanks man :D

It would be helpful but I guess we've already done 100% this year so another double could be a little while longer?

Sorry for that as it is not great when that happens. No one knows what tomorrow might bring and you could be working next month. Just stay positive and think of the perks ,we get more of you on here. I suppose the pink lilo is coming out again.

Yeah a real bummer, first time for me though (and hopefully the last).

haha! Yes, the pink lilo will be out in a month or two :D Glad to hear someone is waiting for it almost as much as I am!

If there is one thing I love about you, it is your positive attitude in the face of a financial disaster.

Here's some positive energy coming your way. Oh, wait! You have enough of that for all of us!


Thank you! :D

Just about to start my most positive post of the week, a little later than usual but i did warn people last week!

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