New feature - Auto content creation and self-vote 😱 - Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 22

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Mining your Steem Power and earning SBD has never been so easy. This is Proof of Stake at it's finest and the feature that some have been waiting for since the start...

On browsing through that well known coding repository, it seems a new feature is being rolled out 'soon'.

This feature will 1) allow the auto creation of your content, and 2) ensure that your self-vote (and PoS) is applied, maximizing return on your investment.

Feature activation and options

Rumor has it that the final options will be as follows:

Obvious mode

While this option may place you on certain self-vote lists and perhaps bring some down-votes, at least you are making it clear to the community that you have gone 'full nuclear'.

When Obvious mode is selected, the following will take place:

  1. A post will be created by your account once every 24 hours and will contain an image from pixabay. The title of the post will be the name of the image, and this will also be the first tag.

  2. A random string of text will be added over the pixabay image. This will ensure unique and original content, and likely be funnier than 90% of the memes in existence.

  3. This post will be voted on immediately (Subject to change when HF 20 is released).

  4. Every 2.4 hours, a comment will be added to the post. 'comment 1 for self-vote', 'comment 2 for self-vote'', etc. A vote from your account will be applied immediately.

This option is seemingly for those who know that the code allows so it must be OK, and for accounts who have enough Steem Power to not worry about the opinion of others.

Cunning mode

This option is for those not wishing to clearly state that they have gone 'nuclear', and provides the possibility of still looking like one of the 'good guys'.

On selecting Cunning mode, the following will take place:

  1. 9 new accounts will be created on your behalf.

  2. Content (as above) will be created on each account (including your 'main' account) once a day, and your 'main' or SP holding account will vote on this content immediately.

Other settings in this mode include:

  • Sending earnings to Exchanges using an encrypted memo
  • Unique photo for profile image of unattractive male/female

These additional features will obscure obvious self-voting whilst reducing follower growth on the alternate accounts.

This help-yourself feature is aimed at being a part of HardFork 20, interestingly titled, 'Atrocity'. 😀

An entry to Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 22!

Nominations: @kid4life, @perfectstorm


Post to resteem:


Genuis. Sign me up. Sign haejin up. In fact sign every single Steemit account up. Fcuk any P2P nonsense. Automation is bae.

haejin is Fcuk-In Genius


Whoa! my automated reply!

Hahahahahahaa!! When reading about the "obvious" mode, I had opened a new tab to lookup rep 80. Ah! Been a while I've been there... Those were the days.

Crazy times on here. Love the added comedy. I totally get it, and it's saddening. But still here to chin up.

Rep 80 indeed :)

I hear it is good to make light of things sometimes!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry @abh12345.

It's a brilliant post but maybe a little too close to the bone this evening. Wine is coming though so that might improve things.

Great entry for the contest! 😂 😢 😂

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

Not sure if i'm on to something here or not!

I'm about to head out for food and a drink to forget about HF20 for a few hours :) Thank you!

Wow. Is it really that much on your mind @abh12345?

Just as well you were heading out then. Hope you had fun! 😍

No it's not, just sometimes :)

Yes thanks I did, I hope the wine arrived and was healthily consumed!

The wine arrived but was a little unhealthily consumed I would say @abh12345.

The late nights are piling up and the longer I stay up the more time there is for more wine. I need to get a grip says she as she reaches for the prosecco. well my daughter is staying which is a rare thing indeed so it would be rude not too. 😂

not sure if I should complement for the joke, or post links to profiles that have this already running for months - with witness support...
Seems like the tool got leaked? :P

The beta release has been widely accepted!

"gone full nuclear indeed" Maybe we all should just lick a couple frog and get with the program. 😋

Did @lynncoyle1 tell you that I licked frogs? 😋

WAHaHahHA Its funny because you know she did 😎

hahaha you watch your mouth sir! :)

ohhh my lips are sealed. Damn hackers did it. but its OK I reported it and recovered my account. LOL

hahahaha @abh12345, I didn't...but you just did lol

Silly man You told it yourself over on my post 😋 Yeah, some of us are just OCD enough to read them all even if you just whisper amoungst yourselves.

hehe :) Ah well, it's Saturday, toad day!

You know there are no secrets on the blockchain. Word spreads around here.

Very true. Well I think there are these special kind of frogs nearer to Lynn's home than mine ;)

Damn, I never even thought about upvoting comments on the down low.

Comment 'farming' has been around a while but in most cases they are using the initial delegation and so unless there are lots of accounts, it's not very profitable. You need 100's of accounts and code, but then it's easier to spot and shutdown.

Fun and games :)

For a moment there i actually thought you were serious... I was about to power down all my SP xD

With the number of bots going around Steem i wouldn't be amazed if Skynet started on this blockchain...

This is some serious satire right here :D

If i had any drawing skills i would 100% draw this :P


Are you OK over there? :D

Whoa... wait a minute! I thought this was supposed to be satire...


Can you have satire without an element of truth? ooops :D

Okay, just saw that:) Gotta check whats up :)


lolz lolz

haha :D

Will try to come up with something:))

Dooooo it boss 😀

Will there be a vegan option?
I don't want to be inadvertently promoting the eating of animals in the random text generator.

A good question - Hopefully it will be possible to de-select the 'dog eat dog' option :)

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