Goodbye again Mallorca

in #home5 years ago

An early start for me today and my last get-up in Mallorca for the foreseeable future.


At least I got a sunrise at the beach and a couple of low quality photos to share.


Between the packing and cleaning yesterday, I made some time to pay friends (bars) a final visit to say "I'll see you when I see you". The phrase is rather lame in text but makes sense, sort of, when you don't actually know when you will see someone again.

The community is fairly close in this seaside town and news/gossip gets around far too quickly at times, but it does mean that people always have something to talk about, when the long summer days are seemingly on repeat.

As you can tell by the photo below, the timing of my exit as far as the season goes is rather strange - this week pretty much marks the beginning of the main tourist season and the place is filling up quickly. Unlike this bus...


I'm sad to be leaving, but there are things to do and people to see in the UK - Mums Birthday is on Friday and my Grandads funeral is in a couple of weeks. Then there is my daughter, whom over the last 4/5 months especially, I have been missing a lot - a feeling stronger than in recent years that I am missing out on her youth. I'd like to see her as much as possible this summer when her school holidays begin and hopefully money/work/crypto/time will give me that opportunity.

When I rode up to one of the bars yesterday, the owner joked with another client about distracting me and 'pinching' my bike. My response was "you can have it if you want", and that led onto a conversation about his daughter, who is over for the summer helping out, looking for a bike to get around on.

She came in shortly after and we have an arrangement where it's hers while I'm away - which could be anywhere from 1 month to 10 years, so I think I just gave my bike away for free :) I have hope that this sort of thing comes around, and so hopefully when I get to Nottingham someone I've never met will just hand me a 400 euro bike, hmmm...

Anyway, it's better than it sitting in a shed, rusting away for who knows how long, and a nice feeling to leave the island with. My two beers were free yesterday, and maybe that will be the case next time I'm there - she could be running the bar next time I'm around.

The back of this bus is pretty noisy like, but it's where the legroom is so I'll suffer it. The sun is up now and the forecast is 29 today - the hottest day of the year so far. Looking at the weather app and Manchester, I see 14 and raining. Standard.

One of the main reasons for leaving the UK was the shit weather and lack of sunshine in the winter. It may sound lame but for those who haven't followed me for the past two years, Seasonal Affective Disorder got me pretty bad and got worse year on year until I felt I had to change my location. I learned how the mind can negatively affect the body, and it was scary. Anyway, I'm nervous to find out how (if I'm still there!) this coming winter will be as I don't think SAD is curable by overdosing on sunshine for 3 years. Perhaps if I'm not on a 9-5 schedule and working in an office then things will be different, but if that's not my duty then I'm not sure what else I'll be doing. If it's bar work then, after a nice summer with my daughter and old friends, I might as well be in the sunshine doing that eh?

Steemfest this year is very doubtful for me, which is a total bummer as I'd like nothing more than to get a single ticket to Bangkok at the start of November, get the conference in and then backpack it down to the islands. Anyone got €3000 to 'lend' me? 😀

If that opportunity is available to someone, I highly recommend it - solo or with a friend, male or female. I met a girl in an Internet cafe in Bangkok many years ago, she was planning to head back to Canada after getting really sick in Laos, I think it was. The other option was to go to the Perhentian Islands off the east coast of Malaysia - that sounded nice and so I asked if she'd like some company. I have fond memories of Asia.

Right then, we are almost at the airport and I've not copy/pasted this ramble into Busy and uploaded the photos yet.

See you on 'home' soil, I hope my bother has a spare coat.



Sorry to hear you're leaving the sun & beach and heading back to England, but family is important too.
Hope you bond with your daughter.

Some of my family is at the beach but not the one I should probably be seeing the most. Thank you.

Enjoy the time with your family until the family life settles in and the arguments start :)

Does the UK still have Internet or was it lost in Brexit?

Give it til Friday then :)

Good net in this house - Mum is streaming something, and bro's wife is gaming. Meanwhile..

Welcome back @abh12345.


The view from my window right now. 😁

Thank you!

How far saaf do you need to go to get a view like that? Very nice 😎

About 1 minute away from the coast. You can't get much saafer than that! 😂 😂 😂

you might as well be on the continent!

Not seen the sun since I landed :P

😂 😂 😂

Have you had a good pint at least?

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Aw dude, mixed feelings indeed. Saying goodbyes is never easy.

Back in blighty. At least this weather can't last, the sun is bound to poke is head out a tiny bit? Maybe, hopefully?

Just think you might get a job no bother and start coining in the golden doubloons and be totally laughing. I am sure your daughter will be happy too. Safe travels back dude!

Aye pretty mixed, that me though - don't know whether I'm coming or going half the time.

Speaking of the weather, it's bound to be toss but thanks for the ray of sunshine 😎

I'd like some coins, just not the desk that cones with it. What other lines of work pay well, require little training, and would suit a young man like myself? Hmmm

Hoor'age!!! Become a hoor!!! There you are! None of this desk malarkey just soggy beds and snuffling noises.

It all coming!! :0D

Perfect, I was hoping you'd say that! 😁

Lol, a perfect set up :0D

Now if you'd like to find me some business Pimpboom 😁

Oh aye man, lining them up as we speak!

Cherish the time you get with your daughter. I unfortunately know that feeling of missing out about not have her with you everyday. Plus the area you are living in making you sick. Hard thing for a mother to admit. Long ugly story. I have a great relationship with her so things can work. I'm proof. At least phones take pictures now LOL.

Hope your trip back goes well. I'm sure you'll see your beach again. Next time you'll have your daughter with you. She is going to want to see where dad lived. :)

Thank you @tryskele, I certainly will. It sounds like you have also made some big decisions in the past, I guess we have to carry these and do the best we can going forward. Glad to hear things worked out in the end for you.

One day I'd like to take my daughter to Mallorca again, I know all the nice places for a cycle and a swim round those parts :)

You're very welcome Asher. I figured since I have a little bit of insight, I would share. Let someone learn from my decisions. I don't want to say mistakes, because all the decisions I have made have lead me here. While I missed a lot, I've gained a lot. 💜

'hopefully when I get to Nottingham someone I've never met will just hand me a 400 euro bike]

You know what they say: 'Can you count? Then don't count on it' ...

Yeah we'll see. I'll tap up some old friends and see if anyone's got something. Would be nice to have some wheels to save a bit of cash and get some exercise. But I won't count on it :)

If it's any consolation... it's not raining today, and yeah that's a little unusual as you know. Have a safe trip :)

You are the 2nd person in England to tell me that today...



And thanks!

LOL, welcome back... there's a few get together's here sometimes.. at least you can attend now (if you want too).

Of course! I'll certainly make my way to a couple of gathering - it'll take the edge of a highly doubtful attendance to SF4.

You can look at a blank page at the start of a new chapter as a mostly scarey or most exciting. I bet your daughter is leaning strongly towards exciting!

You'll be fine, just another step.
Be easy on yourself fella and best wishes as always :-)

Actually got a text off her half an hour ago asking what day it was I was flying - I think she may have remembered and just been checking I'm on my way 😊

Another step it is. Forwards or backwards I'm not sure yet!

Cheers 👍🏽

so hopefully when I get to Nottingham someone I've never met will just hand me a 400 euro bike
check with robin hood?

and about the work? in summer? try gardning? its outdoors and all you need is a lawnmower and some basic tools? I hear the English looooovvvveee their gardens, so find the lazy ones and have them pay you massive dubloons so you can join us at steemfest

I'd enjoy a bit of gardening actually. Need some decent footwear and gloves and they provide the rest I reckon :)

Beautiful photos. What bittersweet sentiments. Safe travels and all the best for the next chapter.

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Thank you very much 😊 Bittersweet sums things up nicely.

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