Contests, Retention, Time, and the Reward

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Don't mind me. I was just looking through my replies feed for the past 7 days and found a couple of nice messages I'd like to have framed on my wall share...

pixabay source

Thank you for all you do here! src

Funny how I know so many really great engagers! It could be that I met them through you! src

That is why you are not only considered a leader but are that leader that provides leadership src

I suspect that none of us would be doing this much engagement without you. You are the driving force here and have taught all of us how to be better engagers! src

Congratulations @abh12345! Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category: Comments - Ranked 3 with 118 comments src

Undress Me @abh12345. Please!! };) src

(Had to include that one!)

I'm going to take your advice, no need to throw it in the bin, I respect you too much 😜 and I'm going to act accordingly. src

Thank you for the encouragement 😅 you are a true friend! src

(Sneaking a scarcastic one in, no-one will notice)

Congratulations @abh12345! Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category: Comments - Ranked 3 with 88 comments src

... thank you so much for running and funding the contest src

Thank you for your feedback on the orginal post and also here, your message might've been short, but I think it was impactful in that it was honest and you carry so much respect in the community! src

Thank you... !!!!!!!!!!! was a fun post to do src

I just voted for you as a witness and thank you for all you do 😉👍 src

To me, you really represent fairness,honesty and ethics src

You're still super awesome, blockchain savvy, and generous! Keep it up. That's why I check in.. src

Thank you. That was a good exercise to take a look at what is going on. src

Thank you! It was a fun task. src

Congratulations @abh12345! Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories: Comments - Ranked 4 with 126 comments src

Yeah, I honestly saw the post and it got me thinking about this which inspired this post! src

Many thanks Asher for running the league... src

Thanks for another reward. These people are the core of what makes Steem good. I'm working on encouraging the next generation of new users. src

Thanks Asher and @steemcommunity for doing the league. src

I appreciate what both you and @paulag do. Anyone that doesn't have @steemcommunity as a witness should. Both of you are involved and informed and it's very evident how you care about the community. If not, you wouldn't do what you guys do. src

This post started out differently and I was going to lead on from a radio show I listened to last night which discussed contests and retention.

For me, they go hand in hand, especially when focusing on the smaller accounts.

Prizes are nice, and for many hosts they can only be small. The advice here is to look for sponsors - there are some decent sizes accounts willing to support both one-off, and long-standing contests.

It took 59.5 minutes of the radio show last night before @wwf mentioned the key element for hosting an engaging contest, which in turn will likely cause users to 'stick' to Steem.


The comments above rarely mention rewards - SBI's, STEEM, Delegations, etc. And for me, they are the result of hard yards - time and effort I have invested into Steem. If 10,000 minnows is what we want, then more work is always there to help encourage and retain the ones we have, and not let them slip away like the thousands that have already done so.

In a couple of weeks, I'll no longer have as much time as I have done for the past 18 months. My Sunday morning post will still be there (or in the afternoon if I get lucky?), but my overall engagement and offers will likely decline.

I hope some of you are ready to pick up the baton and carry it forward, and I know you will, because I see it happening already.

Thank you!


Gosh I still from time to time log in and check what's happening in the world of Steem.

Sad to see that you wouldn't be able to devote as much time as you used to do but we all need to make a living.

This market stopped a lot of people from getting it, writing and commenting but hopefully we all bounce back.

I do hope that some will fill some of the vacuum that you would be leaving in the platform.

Hey Mav... Always good to see you... Sorry to not see you around as much, but it seems like everyone's slowing it down. Good to see you are ok though, and I hope you keep coming back! :)

Not 100% okay but getting by maybe I'll drop and read more often. Who knows hahahha

Well its good to see you ... Definitely happy to see you stopped by! I know you have a lot of respect here, so don't be a stranger! ;)

Connect with me anytime!

Hello there!

I had to scale back at some point, paid work seems like a good excuse.

There will be others, it's already happening and I hope they are encouraged and supported, and so more appear too.

It must be hard to stay grounded if you get praised like that all the time, lol. Just kidding. I whole hearted agree with every single one of them - especially the 'undress me'-one ;0)

Glad to hear you got the job, although it'll mean we won't see you around as often anymore. Sometimes choices have to be made, and priorities have to be set.

And knowing you'll stick around, no matter how often you can be active, is enough for me. I don't think I would be able to pull off another 'stay here'-action so soon after @davemccoy's stunt last week ...

If I read the message right, congratulations! I'm super happy for you and you will kick ass!

And on the message of the post, I agree wholeheartedly... You have shown them what is needed, now its up to the whales and steemit inc to follow through. They let one great leader in you slip away to the real world (part time), but lets hope they learn to find more "Ashers" out there.

ps... you deserve all those things said, and if I didn't have any of those quotes above, then I want to say that you are tops in my list of quality people I've met here. I think you should realize that you've reached the true "star status" when you can be known only for one name. There isn't a person I've met on Steemit that doesn't know who "Asher" is and who doesn't give you the highest respect. ;)

Thank you Dave :)

Yes back to work for me, the 'low' prices at present aren't good for living off, but they do present another opportunity to buy. At least that's my opinion anyway.

If people are willing to put the time and effort in, they don't need to be large accounts. The support, although it is pocketed, is there to support contests with a prizes - but these contests need managing, and work is required. Many of the high SP holders (not sold out to bots) have bigger fish to fry - development projects, etc, but some of them do value what is done at these levels.

Thanks again for being one of my biggest fans these past 15 months or so :)

Asher, I hope to be your biggest fan for the next 15 years... Then I might retire ;)

15 will be enough to see STEEM go into orbit, or collapse like a flan in a cupboard. Ether way, your services will no longer be required after this time, but we can still hang out and stuff :)

It does take a tremendous amount of time to be active and to support new accounts. I am always happy when they stick to it and sometimes, it feels very frustrating if you spend a lot of time supporting a new person - and then, they are gone from Steem (but still post to FB 😱) 🤪

Hope you enjoy your job (and Spain).

You are awesome!!

Yes you should know :)

Lots of time with little financial reward, that's why to receive nice messages and be a part of why people choose to stick around is important to celebrate.

Thank you, and ditto!

Hot damn man, what I want to know is... Who the bloody hell is this @src person cos they seem to f**kin love you?!

There he is!!! HURRAH!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I haven't had any brown sauce for 3 years.....

snap (5) - Copy.jpg

It's my favourite!

We can always make and bake our own pies, or pester someone else. I hope you do have time for the weekly sunday read we have all become accustomed to, what would sunday be without our weekly league read.

I hope so :)

Yes I will have time I'm sure, with much less free time though I'm a bit worried about motivation. Hopefully this will pass when the time comes.

Ow you will find the find the time somewhere! I can as well even with a 42 hour a week contract, it will just be different and in phases..sometimes you wont feel like it, but you feel like you still want to be here, and so you will

no worries man..and you will kick ass there in valencia for sure!

Perhaps I go for a bit of Appics or Actifit :D I'll still be around, but the all day post/comment thing isn't going to happen.

Hey you are doing more hours than me! The cycle to work is 13km each way, looking forward to that :D

nehhh all day is just truly impossible but you will reserve time for it for sure, welcome to your new fast shitpost regime ;)

26 a day is a decent workout man! (I would totally do the ebike version, like totally! hahahahah)


I know you got hills, but those bikes are for pussies!

no no...those bikes are for the wise :D

Sad to hear that you won't be able to engage as much, but I completely understand. Your weekly engagement post is definitely one of the things that keeps me motivated and commenting when I have a chance. I might not always make the list, but when I have the time I definitely try to make it to at least the top 10 or 20. Glad to see that is not going away and good luck to whatever is going to be sucking up more of your time over the next 18 months!

Thank you :)

I think it's better to appear sporadically on the list - saves the keyboards, chairs, and fingers :)

18 months sounds about right actually, let's see what STEEM does in the mean time. Cheers!

I'll no longer have as much time as I have done for the past 18 months.

Why's that? Did you get the job? Do tell. 😍

Yes I did :)

Back to Valencia for me! Looking forward to being a lot more active, and buying STEEM of course. Hopefully I'll be able to visit the UK too.

Sounds good. At least there are a few Steemians in Valencia if I remember rightly. Maybe I could come out for a meetup? 😁

Congrats on the job and I hope it's surprisingly satisfying and fun for you. 😍

So many heartfelt compliments! Keep these close at had to re-read when you are having a bad day at the new job! Or just let us know anytime you need a boost and we will be happy to remind you about how wonderful we think you are!

And the odd sarcastic one thrown in too :)

Well Melinda, I was talking about the likes of yourself in the last sentence - you are one of the baton holders now :D Thank you!

I hope I can live up to that! 😊

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