Enough is enough - A Korean Curator, for Whom and for What ?

in #steemit7 years ago

Good morning my friends.

Looking at KR contents, I come to realize there are many writings written by curators.
Almost half of all the pages account for Trending section.


A few accounts whom we can easily recognize take up all the Trending pages. I think it's almost automatic, regardless of the content. Let's assume that they started to steemit earlier, contributed a lot in KR community and invested a lot of money and there are a lot of people who acknowledge that it's the result of long time contributions.

But What really makes me feel annoyed is that it's obvious that the main image of posts is too often visible.


Everytime I see the image, it is disgusting rather than proud.

I don't want to point out a particular person, but I just want to point him out.


There are four or five posts coming out a day. It seems like he's got more imcome after HF19. Where is the difference between "KR community participating in Curating" and "A good article of KR community that a curator just chose"? How is it different? Moreover, What the hack with finding a new author? Wasn't it supposed to recommend for a good article that is less visible? I think it's too much to earn much money every day by writing seemingly the same articles.

In addition, there are very few people who enter the article and read the actual recommendation. There are a lot more votes of the curator than votes of actual recommended posts. and they who know each other exchange votes. I think it's a shallow trick to earn his own personal income.

If it is not for his personal income, and for promoting new members and for promoting community development, it is true that the entire steem and steem power should be given to the recommended articles.

Earning money while writing someone else's contents is not ethical.

Somebody might argue, saying like "with my money, I'll do whatever I want. Who cares? Mind your own business. My power is entitled to use my power, and if you are not entitled to it, you can put it in your pocket, and you can find yourself putting up the money, and you might find other whales to cross the cross."

But the reason that this claim is insufficient is that the compensation of steem is not absolute assessment, but rather a relative evaluation. If someone takes more, someone gets as little as that. When the whole thing is done, someone else does something, and it hurts someone else who doesn't do it.

It might be proud of itself under capitalism to have plenty of Steem Power, followers and private groups. Maybe it's even more straightforward to say that money is equal to an ability as Jeong said it.

But let's stop packing for such excuses and pride as pretending to do acts of patriotism. Enough is enough.


Thanks for visiting and reading this posting.....^^

This is Re-posting.
All reward will be forwarded to originators @slay, @atomrigs.
The original : https://steemit.com/steemit/@slay/translate-enough-is-enough-a-korean-curator-for-whom-and-for-what
The original : https://steemit.com/kr/@atomrigs/6pqpm6#@slay/re-atomrigs-2017626t12230586z


Yep i saw it too not only in #kr section.
Now it is so hard to get money for your good post if you are new person.
There is group of people who always get new reward's even if they post is not really good.

Getting rewards for new comers is very hard and only a bunch of accounts are coming the trending section like everyday, is something wrong in the system or people are manipulating the system, which leaves hardworking new bloggers at the risk of leaving the platform @abdullar

I thought Steemit was about earning a fare share of your posts?

Don't spam please.

Some people don't know when to stop spamming​!

Help? waht are you offering?

thanks for your opinion .... but we are not manipulating the system.... now... we are making the system.... Executive, developer, user including all newbie.... ^^

I totally agree with what you wrote. It seems a little unfair at times... but this is all new and the cool thing about Steemit is that it cares about its users. So I think pointing it out is a good beginning... then we need to be listened and lately, do something about it.
We need to al we can to ensure a fair distribution and a common growth of Steemit

Great work! :D

I know that it is a serious topic but...
Omygod am i the only one that wishes you a Good Morning?
Man.. Honestly i'm really sorry.
Have a Great Morning! :d

Its because everything is set on auto bots. If these bots will be disable and promote active indulgence, the platform will be alive. If a steemian dont get involve then he has no activity. Unlike today, some of the huge voters are sleeping and earning. I could not blame them because they are rich and would wanted to earn with their investment, but they might as well considering others by giving them a chance to show up.

The same here hence why @abdullar article earned my upvote and following because he pointed this bad behavior out. Good to make money from your hard work and steem power, however better to use your power to help others especially new peeple writing better article and also at least post once a day or Maximum 2. Good comment and post, lets all stay in touch.

Have you seen the free fall in all cryptos today? see https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@charles1/the-fears-in-crypto-currencies-big-losses-in-steem-etherium-bitcoin-et-al

yes i agree with you. i find it really hard getting somehwere at the time.. i will continue posting quality content regardless.

The figures in the trending page is tempting but sad because their the person over and over again. This is the disadvantage of having a bot. If bots will be disabled, we will be able to build an active community which is good for the platform.

So I'm a brand new user. And you are saying that it will be hard for me to get a chance around here?

You need really good content and a lot of luck too start now or be some famous person.
But maybe you have more lucky than me :D
Without perfect english i lost my hope.

The problem right now is that not even good content can do anything for you because unless someone with big steem account votes for you articles constantly the price would be so low that most people would not see you posts even if the content is amazing.

The current plan as a newbie:

  1. Try to write a good quality article.
  2. Publish
  3. Hope that it's seen by someone. Before it disappears between all the other articles.
  4. Cross my fingers it earn $0.20
  5. repeat

Someday $0.20 would be 2.0 20. 200. Yes, I am not the case yet.

Wait how can you be "brand new" with a higher reputation than 25?? I'm actually brand new and have been trying to figure things out...

Hey I didn't noticed that yet.

At the time of this morning, I had not made a single post yet.
I think I got lucky because some high ranked account decided to upvote me.
Otherwise I wouldn't rise this fast.

I'm still figuring our reputation too. It affects the visibility of our posts too, correct?

Rep impact on visibility is more psychological, say you and another person's work showed on feed at the same time and is about similar topic, people would tend to read first work from someone with higher rep.

From 25 to about 40 rep can rise quickly. After that it gets a little harder. You may wish to read on the faq or seach on related articles, google search gives lits of hits if you type 'how to increase reputation in steemit' or whatever you want to know more about the platform. Understanding the basics helped me, the journey made sense.

It will be cleaned naturally.
We are steemian.....^^

I hope so brother, you know it is really annoying when you trying to make good post and you get 0 attention, and someone just draw shitty picture or always write about same topic and he got 1k$ for every post.
But just like you say: we are steemian ! We must win!

I know that's too sad for the beginners.

@btc.ctb Here's one of the first things you need to know about steeming on steemit https://steemit.com/steemit/@simeonburke/user-alert-2-don-t-quit-your-job-yet-why-you-should-not-rely-on-steeming-as-your-main-part-time-source-of-income
If you need any help, feel free to ask questions as well.
Have a lovely day!

in a sense, it really is his power and account so he can do whatever the hell he wants. but when you do something like this, it just shows how little you care about the steemit community. to grow the platform, attract new users, AND retain these users, we need to be more wary about this kind of behaviour. we need to support new users who are pushing out good content, and we need to support non-steemit related content. that is if we want to attract the mainstream audience and get them to use steemit on a regular basis.

Doesn't sound good if he is posting that often :/ People have a hard time holding their greed in check, and just like you said - we share the same pool. The more he posts the less others are receiving. As a curator myself I try and limit to 1 post per day not to abuse the voting power that has been trusted on me.

I agree @acidyo I noticed that already that you limited to 1 post in order to give others a chance to share in the big sweet cake. Keep up the good work and am already in touch with you. Steemit is great because of people like you working hard to help others with good contents and support. Keep steeming.

Yeah, this is ridiculous as hell. This really screws newer people that post to KR, and it sucks that there's not much we can do about it. At least that I know of.

I wish that flags would become more normal over time and that users wouldn't be too sensitive about it. But since it costs voting power most of us won't use them just because of that - I myself don't flag because of my curation trail cause I think that voting power is better used on newcomers who don't see much rewards on their posts.

Oh well, we can only improve from here on out.

I don't think flagging is the answer, particularly as it leads, in the present incarnation, to even more centralisation of power ( @B flags @K, @D flags @B and there is no more discussion, just the loudest grunt from the caveman with the biggist club). What I think helps, is what @abdullar is doing here, a human voice saying enough. It is not just #kr, and HF19 has highlighted the problem, because so many more accounts now have the power to reward themselves. There was an article or a video last summer, something like "Steemit's not a bubble, but it could be" -- the more this kind of behaviour goes on, and the more whale influencers allow it to happen, perhaps mistakingly thinking that the fact that author X is earning thousands of dollars for highschool writing is good publicity, then the more bubble-like steemit will become.

and there is no more discussion

I didn't mean to flag them down to 0$ and invisibility but just reduce the rewards so it spreads out to others more, but yeah. Let's see how it will evolve, I think quality posts have a much better chance at seeing higher rewards lately.

The problem as I see it is that the underlying causes of over-voting aren't addressed. Whilst there are bad-actors, I'm sure that most cases of this kind of abuse come about because people just don't get it. The highest rewards will come in the long-term due to a sustainable rise in the price of STEEM. Does the technology warrent a +$10b market cap, like etherium? In which case $45 STEEM is possible, but I'm sure we can only get there with some kind of a consensus on behaviour. Yes, I am optimistic, mostly, but there is a lot face-palming going on at this particular keyboard.

Thanks for your good advice....^^
We are trying to solve this issue without flags.
The purpose of this posting is the MESSAGE to other guys .
I believe in all my steemian friend and kr friend also...^^

Yes, let's hope that everyone starts with yourself. Draw conclusions, yet with the transition to the 19th version of "the many blown away". I hope that they will realize that and spoil their future in Steemit, and come to its senses after these messages!

I didn't know that it cost voting power to flag, that's kind of weird. Hmm. And, I understand where you're coming from on not using the flag system, since I think it's more helpful to throw a bone to the smaller people on here.

I agree, the website can only continue to improve as time goes on. I'm just gonna continue to flag things that are spamy while I catch them and hope that it helps in someway, lol.

I'm not in the KR section because I don't speak it. And it's not a language you just pick up. But even on the main pages I come across a lot or Korean written articles.

@acidyo Here's one of the first things you need to know about steeming on steemit https://steemit.com/steemit/@simeonburke/user-alert-2-don-t-quit-your-job-yet-why-you-should-not-rely-on-steeming-as-your-main-part-time-source-of-income
If you need any help, feel free to ask questions as well.
Have a lovely day!

I totally agree. I do the same

@jassennessaj, this answer your question on how can steemit accomodate the potential reward of all users given that amount of active steemians earning more than $100 and what's the purpose of the SBD in the system. I had a hard time explaining this on you cause you never listen to me well. :/

There is a study of the Yellowstone bears, which will go for the easiest source of food even if it is garbage. I think Bears and people are opportunist at heart, it is a natural behavior. However there was a die-off of bears when the garbage heaps were removed....


Mmmm so, that is probably the reason all payouts are dropping incredible fast...

Yeah in #cn section too, i,m new in steemit, and i feel really hard to get money. I think i've made sme good article :( . What do you think ?

you need to do... and... it will improve our wonderful steemit.... i'm sure....^^

Thank you for your sugestion, but i'm not really good in other language, like korean or chinese. I always made an article in english. I want to improve my steemit exactly

Please don't make the mistake of trying to spam the network with low value content.
garbisch posts won't help anyone.
Except if you are a whale and you can earn $45 doller by upvoting yourself.

Yeah of course dude

Yes, I think Good comment and post, lets all stay in touch. Thanks @abdullar

Sadly, it is good that you and other experienced authors raise this issue, let's hope that it will draw attention.

It's very important to share their thoughts and experiences, but like many newcomers - to get to the reader very difficult.

I think cheating is not good practice.... It stop creativity and originality... And the user don't get the fresh and updated data...And they don't learn new things....These kind of members devalue the community ....And also themselves...We should believe on hard work and honesty for achieving our goals and success...Thank you @abdullar for the informative post...

Maybe they have their own reason to create more posts that end up in trending post. But still, currator should be a helper for a newbie.

maybe they have reason, but not in this way.....^^

I agree with you.
Happy eid mubarrak

I agree with you
Happy eid mubarrak

Hey it is good to see you that your focusing on steemit community very much hardly..

I wish that you will produce also valuable content in future for the people of steemit . It is really great thing when I see that people are putting alot of potential in steem rather then just posting picture and thinking about money ..

I use to read the content and provied my honest feedback about ..

You feedback will be apprecited ..

Thanks for Your Effort

@abdullar very good post upvoted your 100% right resteemed

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