Maintaining and Taking Control of One's Health - Gratitude and Positivity Challenge Day 7

I am away from my mountain oasis and I am currently staying just outside Galway City. Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn there are products being promoted to improve your health, opinions about what is healthy and what is not. Everyday people are bombarded by advertising about this wonder drug or supplement that will gain you better health. So many questions, so many health professionals that are recommended for us to visit, that we can consult with, to advise us and tell us how to remain healthy.

Health is indeed big business, so much money has been invested into the health industry.

Yet can someone really know your body better than you? Of course we have the professionals who have spend years studying the human body and have such in depth knowledge about how it functions, about disease ad how it spreads and possible treatments. Their knowledge is invaluable, their is no doubt about that. But sometimes in their search for answers they can create more problems, especially when some one presents with symptoms and they are unable to identify the cause. They are then forced to do tests, scans, invasive procedures which is when more problems can arise as a result of all the interventions. But what is the alternative.

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The alternative I chose was get to know my body better,to take control of my own health, to educate myself on the foods that I choose to eat. To know exactly what it is that I put into my body and my children's bodies. For me this is an act of self love, to look after my body and by doing so look after my whole being. It is something I want to pass onto my children, this responsibility for ones own health. That when we neglect our physical health it effects our mental health and vice versa. It has been a very empowering act for me to do and I am very grateful that I made the decision to trust my body and listen to it when it is trying to communicate with me. Ever little ache, little twinge is our bodies way of telling us to listen and pay attention.

It is as simple as taking the time regularly to sit or lie with yourself and focus on each part of your body, to notice if there is any uncomfort, if there is any pain. To consciously focus energy to that part of your body, to breath in healing and breath out pain.

This way, we become aware of what part of our body needs attention. We become better at understanding the way that different things affect us and our over all well being. Becoming aware of what foods affect us, making that connection that we are what we eat. Being able to recognize when certain food types are not suitable for my body. Making conscious decisions about what I eat. I stopped eating meat in my teens, when I actually realized what eating meat entailed I immediately chose not to.

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I just grew up eating what was put in front of me, being grateful for any food. I am still very grateful for what I eat, but now I really want to know what is that I am eating and how it has got to my plate. For this reason I do not eat processed foods, I make fresh food everyday for me and my family. Knowing that what I make nourishes us all, makes me happy and I generally enjoy preparing and cooking food. But it was not always like that. But I am so grateful to the fact that in my twenties, I woke up to the wonders of healthy eating. Even though I was not eating meat, I still was not eating healthy. There are so many alternatives to meat out there, but they are generally not healthy, just convenient.

Convenient food for me is fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts in their true form. These are the foods that give me energy, that actually do what food is meant to do, nourish me, sustain me.

My first post for this challenge was about feeling gratitude for my body and this post is a continuation on from that. I am so grateful for my health. This year alone I have lost an amazing friend to Breast Cancer and my amazing sister is receiving treatment for cervical cancer. Getting to spend time with my sister is great, it is another thing I am so grateful for, but it really makes me realize how lucky I am to have my health. I am trying my best to support her, through really difficult times, to give her the support that she wants , and not the support I think she needs. It is really really tough to watch those you love suffer. And in order for me to be able to support her I need to be strong and healthy, and I am so grateful that at this moment I am.

What are the rules of this challenge?

-Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
-Try and do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
-Mention three people who should do this on each day.
-Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post.
-Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible).

I nominate @elamental, @zen-art and @blacksheepblog to take up the challenge if they so wish.

1st Image Source:

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


Xx <3 Xx.
i am grateful you took up this challenge! lovely post and full of heart and self love.. .which is so important!

i have this post a little ecotrain bot love .. xxx

thank you @eco-alex for your lovely words and support. Hope you are doing good, sending you much love and light xxx

A very lovely post and an enjoyable read. Thank you for nominating me for this. I did cheat a little but I did it 💚

thank you @zen-art you are very welcome, I look forward to reading it xx

Learning to listen to my body's desires for foods, and not just my mouth's desires for flavors or stomach's desire for being full, was a really important part of turning my life around. I was very unhappy and also very unhealthy in my 20s. No one thought either because I always wore a smile, was a mellow person, and was also skinny. But I lived on a steady diet of cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream, cookies and Entemanns danish (when it turns out I'm allergic to dairy!) There were a lot of changes I had to make in my life, but without learning to tell what my body was asking for, how could anything really improve? Now I mostly cook from scratch, though moving to a new place that is hotter than I've lived in decades has proven challenging. I only like but so much salad, but never want to turn on the stove! Lots of peanut butter sandwiches these first two weeks. LOL

thank you @indigoocean, we are what we eat and all healing needs to start with self reflection and the motivation to change, well done on doing just that. It is definitely tough to cook in hot weather for sure, lots of nuts, seeds and fruits and juices that's what I do xxx

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