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RE: 7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 3 | Being Grateful For My Homeland

From all the places I've been in this world, none of them had everything all together; mountains, rivers, incredible beaches, desert, vast flat fields, unimaginable forests.


We have violence too - I kick photocopiers hahaha. No actually, we've got this awful domestic violence problem that is getting worse. Plus they want to mine everywhere and destroy what we have.

Brazil always seems like a great place to me and I'd love to visit one day. If it's got people like you in it, I'm in.

We have violence too - I kick photocopiers hahaha

Poor little machine, but it's got the job done - Appreciate that very much, still have to check the book though.

Dude, you have Buttercup, that's one hell of a reason to go for an endless tea meeting.

Domestic violence is a thing here, I see cases everyday on the newspaper, terrible cases - It worries me, in what point in history we've forgot about respect.

However, I do think that it's changing for better, we have Maria da Penha Law - you hit a woman and you are basically fu.. It's sad though that most women here are intimidated at home to not report to the police, most of them don't.

I was listening to a great podcast the other day about raising boys - part of it was telling them it's okay to cry, to acknowledge feelings - bottling it up can lead to aggression and violence later in life as there's just no where for that shit to go. But the problem is it's a bit of a cycle if they're raised in shitty situations themselves.

Yeah, when you told about violence you meant men beating up woman or child violence. I got kinda lost here.

For me both are terrible anyway and it's heavily related to where this people live. I don't know, my parents never needed to raise a hand for us, however, we were lot living in a violent environment ourselves.

We've learned that respecting others was everything in life and never to raise a hand for a woman, instead defend them. Now, imagine teaching this to your kid, but when he goes outside he sees all kinds of shit, it'll not work.

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