The Seasons - 7 Day Positivity Challenge, Day 2


Some love it, some don't. I DO! I love to rearrange furniture, repaint walls, do my hair different everyday. I could never get a tattoo, that's way to permanent! Maybe I'm just fickle, maybe I get bored too easily. I don't know. I just now that while I'm working with what I've got today, I'm watching the horizon for the next new thing. That includes changing seasons.


Spring fever. It's the worst, and it's the best! It's a little like being six years old and waiting on Christmas. But Spring is so sneaky! While I'm watching the seedlings I've been nursing since winter, I've got to be watching outside. Things are popping up all over. The closed bloom of an early snow drop in the morning becomes a lovely little white flower in the afternoon. So three or four walks around the yard a day are necessary! The chickens start laying again and this years bees get busy. Sasafrass root is ready to harvest for spring time tea to get the blood flowing, something many in my family look forward to through the winter.

On warm, sunny days we can always find some time to get out, roll the windows down and take a joy ride out to the country to see what's waking up. On stormy nights, the clean smell of the air coming through the open windows and the thunder make my bed so comfy, no matter how hard I try to stay awake and enjoy it, I'm asleep in minutes.


I find God in the life cycles that start over the spring. Those early bloombing ground covers and red buds to get the bees going, trees leafing out to offer shelter and concealment for birds who will soon be raising chicks. What He created and set in motion to be self sustaining blows my mind every time I think of it, and I can't help but think of it in the spring.


Sweet-tea-sippin' while I'm back-porch-sittin', watching fire flies. Cooking outside and enjoying food from my own yard. Spraying the hose straight up in the air and making it rain on my dog and me! Does anyone else think that the temperature difference between sun and shade is magic? I think I enjoy being barefoot as much as anything else in the world. And fireworks! They'll always mezmorize me. Especially the silver and gold willows. Berries! It's almost time to get my bucks and get out there. There's a whole lotta berry pickin' to do, and just a couple weeks to it! The summer makes me conciously thankful for water and the ground that stays cool to my feet, no matter how hot the sun is. Summer is all adventure and energy and productivity and exploration. The days ae long enough for work and play!


I see God in the bees. Their short lives begin with all the knowledge they need to care for brood and to make wax to build that perfect comb to store the pollin, nectar and water that they instinctively gathered and turned to honey. They know their queen and she rules them with orders given through pheromones. They act independently, but at the same time they behave like a cell in the organism that is the colony. They're truely all-for-one-and-one-for-all. I'm all about science, but you'll never convince me with all the data in the world, that this is one big cosmic coincidence. Bees are my summer proof of our Creator.


I love the fall for so many reasons, not the least of which is MY BIRTHDAY! Smack in the middle of October, the perfect time for a birthday. It almost always rains on my birthday, maybe that's why I love the rain so much. A couple of times, I've been outside when the air suddenly changed, and I knew fall had arrived. In the fall the air is like sun-tea. You know, when you bring in a jar of sun-tea and pour it over ice and when you drink it, it changes from warm to cool to cold and back to warm again. When the fall air is warm and a cool north breeze mixes up the air around you and it's warm and cool and warm, my sister and I call that sun-tea air. Fall is time for evenings around the fire pit after days of harvesting and putting up the last of the garden.

Every year, the day after my birthday, I put up my Christmas tree. Yes, in October. Because I can, that's why. Okay, really it's because I collect Christmas ornaments, and my children buy my special ornaments for my birthday. Every ornament on my tree is a memory, my whole life story is on it. I want to enjoy them for as long as possible. Putting up the tree, even that early, sparks all those holiday feelings and attitudes that I love. You know, the togetherness and thankfulness. If you're one of those people who hate the holidays, you're doing it wrong, just sayin'.

The day after my tree is up, I read Wuthering Heights, every year. It's my favorite. I've read it so many times that I've quit reading the last two chapters and just make up my own endings. I know Heathcliff is the 'bad guy', but I like to think of him as misunderstood. I rather like him.

Life slows down in the fall. It's a time to appriciate what's come of all the hard spring and summer work. But for me, it's time to clean. I don't do spring cleaning, I fall clean. I've been busy all spring and summer and I do not want to be shut in with a cluttered, dirty house. Top to bottom, every individual item in the house is cleaned, organized or gotten rid of. I guess I go into an anual nesting phase, lol. Once the house is clean, I can relax for a month or so. I'll do some more reading and some crafting.


When all the food from the summer and fall harvests is lined up on shelves in jars and the freezer is packed, I'm reminded of God's provisions. He has plans for all of our needs, including rest. The fall provides a time for me to rest and before starting my planning for a new year.


After the holiday hussle, winter gets busier for me. planning the garden and seed starting consume most of my free time. I'll definately be appriciating the shapes of the leafless trees. I think they're prettiest when they're bare. Snow days excite me as much as they did when I was ten and listening impatiently for them to announce our school's name on the cancellation list. And leg warmers! I'm just gonna keep rockin' leg warmers til they're cool again. So...maybe forever. Snow makes the night almost as bright as the day, and (letting you in on a little secret) I'm scared of the dark, so that's a beautiful thing in my mind. Little House On the Prairie marathons are a winter time tradition 'round here.

But no matter how busy I am in the winter, I'm thankful. Like, powerful thankful. I'm thankful for my home. I mean, it wouldn't matter whether it was beautiful or run down, completely finished or still under contruction, what neighborhood it was in. When the wind is bitter and snow or sleet is blowing, I'm just thankful for a warm, dry place to be. Every hot meal, venison stew or humble bean soup, is a blessing.

Giant mugs of hot chocolate and a great movie, on the couch piled up with my little kids and my dog and too many pillows and blankets was my idea of heaven and will always be my most treasured memory.


When I'm starting seeds, I always think of my son, just about four years old, asking me how a little seed knows how to make a plant and then concluding on his own as he thought his way through it, that God tells the seeds what to do. I understand the science behind the life cycle of a plant. But what science can't explain to me, is how does each cell knows what kind of cell to be, what color to be, where it needs to be to make the perfect shape of a tomato or banana or tulip? I see God in seeds. That may play a part in my seed addiction! :)

Which Season Is My Favorite?

Right now, with out question, it's summer! But as we come closer to summer's end, fall will become my favorite. Then winter, and if you ask me in March, spring will be my quick answer. I don't know how anyone could choose, or why they'd want to? If favorites are good, why wouldn't you want a bunch of them? Choose them all!

Hey, thanks for stoppin by to read about my favorite season! :)
What's your favorite?

Let's talk about it!

I'm not nominating anyone today.

I haven't been on enough to know who's doing it and who's not.
But that doesn't mean you can't get involved! If you'd like to take the #7daypositivitychallenge, here's how...

The Rules

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include a picture of somethng positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.


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Funny how this is the post I see when I come to make a comment on one of your post to tell you that you might want to check out my blog, there maybe something positive you will want to see or should I say claim.

😄 Awesome, thank you!

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