7 Day Positivity Challenge : Lessons from Nature

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

There is so much that we can, and should, learn from nature. Why then, does there seem to be a need to control nature as opposed to coexisting with it, the same way that people try to control each other?

Have you ever noticed that "land development" often equates to stripping the land of its' foliage, then building and planting new seedlings? Have you ever wondered why some of the old growth isn't left and the building simply goes on around it?

In Canada where I'm from, major construction sites begin work by bulldozing to create a clean surface, but here in Mexico, there is the notion of working around nature.

Perhaps it's easier to do without easy access to machinery,

perhaps it's easier to simply work around nature,

but in the end, there seems to be some respect for what is natural

and for what was here first.

But I have noticed that the true nature of nature is resilience and strength,

Should these trees really be able to not only survive, but in fact, thrive in these conditions?

Should they be able to flourish in a sea of cement?

Probably not, but they do.

We as humans should learn this lesson from nature. Yes, we have difficulties. Yes, life sometimes throws us hardships and sorrows. Yes, life can sometimes be downright cruel. But in the end, like these trees, we need to bounce back, to survive, to thrive.

Why you ask?

Because, like these trees, we can.

We were blessed with thought, with strength and with will.

There is no need to attempt to control those around us. There is no need to bulldoze people and try to mold them into what we think they should be like. There is no need to destroy.

There is however, a need to grow, to love and to flourish. There is a need to coexist. There is a need to allow the things that we perceive that might not necessarily fit in, to simply be.

There is a need to learn from nature, to see her ways, to appreciate her power, and to respect it.

The exact same things we should learn from each other.

Keeping with the theme of this post, and because this is supposed to be a "positivity" thing, please check out @intrepidsurfer's post where he is giving away sbd for planting trees! Yes, you heard that right. He's in his 9th week of encouraging all of us to give back to this wonderful world we live in :)

The Rules:

This post is part of the Seven Day Gratitude Challenge started by @conradt.

The 'rules' are fairly simple, but truthfully, I would encourage all of you if you don't, to live your life as if you're entering a positivity challenge every single day. It really does take more muscle movement and energy to frown instead of smiling ;)

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated (with my life, I won't be doing it seven days in a row, but you can be sure I will write seven posts :)
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible)

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You are so right! You and Brian are also so brave! Constant inspiration to us all!!

Thank you so much for that @luanne :)

Your welcome! What you guys have is so special! Course you don't need me to tell you that.

Aww that's sweet!

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I love this! Working around nature, in flow with nature and co-existing! It really is the way to go.

So so so appreciate how they let the trees be. Thank you for this wonderful cheerful post!

Thank you @kchitrah!

It really is the way to go.

Bingo!! :)

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The 'work-around' nature Mexico style is really unique. I mean, almost every where, it is about clearing nature out completely and making way for 'development'.

It is of course in the fairly kinder instances, where they do a 'transfer' and 'replacement' therapy...you know, clear trees from here, and then claim to make up for their loss, by planting new tree seedlings elsewhere...

This Mexico mentality is a perfect model....we can co-exist. And yes, we have much to learn from nature, resilience...never giving up completely, always rising, keeping in sync with the circumstances...you know.

In my country where we have basically 2 seasons, the dry season, when the climate is really dry and scorchy...and there is no water...and then the wet season like now, when the rains are really frequent and life for the water-depending plant life is really good...

Between those two seasons, the trees survive. in the dry, they wither and gray, while biding time for the rains to return, and of course they always do! Then sprouts the tree to green again, almost as though nothing had affected it before...

It is a great lesson about weathering the storm

It is a great lesson about weathering the storm

It certainly is! I'm always amazed by that; how they can "weather that storm" and flourish once conditions allow again. I believe we are the same.

Thank you for the lovely comment @mirrors!

Those are some resilient trees indeed. Amazing how strong they are.

It certainly is amazing, I agree! Thank you for stopping by @spreadfire1 :)

The first line itself have enough to write about including that of causing Global climate.

There is so many protest taking place in one of the famous place of India where they want to cut down many trees for development purpose...Sad reality of the world...

The photos are so good...Thanks for sharing and stay blessed

It certainly is a "sad reality" indeed! I sometimes want to symbolically 'shake' people and tell them to 'wake up'!! :) We only have one earth and it needs to be tended. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos! Thank you so much for stopping by @angelro :)

That subject was/is always of importance.. We were having environmental day recently is it? There were many people and organization who showed up on that day by planting trees..If such trees that planted on previous years then most of the places might had been a small forest by now, Is it?

Thanks for raising this issue

You're welcome @angelro. I think you are referring to Earth Day maybe? You're right though...small forests for sure!

Right?! :)

Look at how much we can say with a couple of words :)

Yep .... agreed ... and sometimes silence even speaks mountains .

Nature in itself is a great teacher and holds within it so many treasures. As you said we as humans need to learn from nature to survive even in the most difficult of times. No matter how hard and violent the storm maybe trees always hold on to the ground and stay rooted to where they belong. Also we need to show more respect and care towards our mother earth. It needs to be protected. Thank you for sharing :)

You said it! That's exactly how I feel! Thank you for appreciating the content here and for stopping by with a great comment:)

THIS IS amazing! I have seen so many trees and wetlands ruined, torn down and demolished here in the US too.

It really is, isn't it??!! I always keep my eye out in the hopes of actually being able to witness this. You can just imagine the workers going around a tree like this and realize how it's something you would never see at home.

Thanks for stopping by @goldendawne :)

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