7 Day Positivity Challenge Day 6 - It's Called 'Eat Day' Not 'Cheat Day'

See I even like pictures of Pizza 😄

In our house Sunday is also known as ‘eat day.’ Which basically means that I am allowed to eat whatever I want in however large quantities I want. I was not blessed with an amazing metabolism, in fact it’s as slow as one can get hahaha. I’ve always been thankful for it though as I have had to learn from a young age that I need to be mindful about what I eat. Which can be difficult at times as I love to eat. Thankfully I don’t have a sweet tooth at all but I’m of the pizza is my favorite food group tribe. I’m not picky about what I eat either. If it looks yummy I will want to eat it. End of discussion!

That’s why I came up with ‘eat day.’ Life is all about balance after all and I would just be miserable if I had to eat super healthy all the time. Yes, I know it’s not good for me. On a Sunday I just don’t care about that. In diet circles it is commonly referred to as a ‘cheat day.’ I hate that term. I’m not cheating. I’m enjoying my food today. Another positive is that I don’t wake up tomorrow morning feeling guilty. Why should I? I had a wonderful day relaxing and enjoying yummy food. We can’t all be saints all the time hahaha.

On that note I should probably just add that I hate scales as well. I generally feel that they are evil little things designed to make us feel bad. I generally go by how my clothes feel. We can all feel when they start getting a bit tighter. Sorry girls, it didn’t shrink in the tumble dryer. And on another note if you are the weighing kind, please don’t ever get on a scale on a Monday morning. Mondays are bad enough as it is without still making yourself feel guilty first thing in the morning. Scales can be very helpful for some people. They should just hand them out with a guideline of sorts. I will also admit that if my clothes do start to feel a bit looser I might jump on a scale. I’m all for the positive hahaha.

In the end we all have our own little methods. I just love balance and I live my life as much as possible as such. I’ve just always believed that you can’t have one without the other. Once you can really understand and grasp that is when you can live a life that is more in touch with yourself. That is when the bad doesn’t upset you as much, as you realize, you can’t have one without the other.

That is what was positive about my day. FOOD!

FOOD and spending time snuggling on the couch watching a movie with my family.

PS: I didn’t have time to take any photos, as well, I was too busy eating it. It all looked good though 😉

I was nominated to participate in this #7daypositivitychallenge by @snowpea.

Want To Participate?

Here are the rules:

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible).

Rule Breaker Note 😊 – I’m not going to nominate three people every day. As, well, I don’t like people to feel obligated to do something if they don’t want to. If you’re keen jump onboard and you can say I nominated you 😊.

Thank you for reading and remember to keep smiling 😊
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I too, stay away from the scales and go by how my clothes fit. I've been eating a lot healthier the last few years. I have found though, that if I really crave something, I just go ahead and eat it. By having nothing forbidden, I seem to eat better. It helps me ditch that last supper mentality.

Good for you! I believe in that too. I like how you refer to it as a last supper mentality, I haven't heard of that one yet.

I absolutely love that (including pizza ;)). "Cheat day" sounds so negative. I'm also not one for scales. It seems like they make you compare yourself to social standards. Why would you let something like that drag you down?

I totally agree @tripswithtam. Pizza is the best :)

Haha @jusipassetti now you make me wonder just what delights you managed to devour on Eat Day! I always remove every piece of clothing, make sure my hair is totally dry (water is heavy after all), have a wee, remove my make up and only then get on the scale! Haha I'm just being silly but you're right, Mondays are not for scales, hide them in the deepest depths:):)

Hahaha @lizelle I can just imagine this whole process. There were lots of yummy things indeed. Always one of our favorite days.

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