7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day Two - Close God Watching Over Us - Enjoy with Troy!

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

An Attitude of Gratitude to God

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?


I was introduced to this challenge by @creatr.

Day Two

Many of you know that I have been through much the last several years if you have read my posts. But I am still here and even more grateful than before. Often your struggles allow you to appreciate the blessings God gives you even more so. Without the valleys how could we truly appreciate the views from the hills and mountaintops. Thanks you Jesus.


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As I am writing this, I doubt I will be able to complete the 7 days.

Hey @wilx I need to reach out to you and the prayer chain as it is an emergency. My mom had a fire in her home from a dehumidifier. IT cause a lot of smoke damage from what I am told. It was in the basement. She is almost 88 and is traumatized from this. I am going to try to go tomorrow to be with her and see what I can do. I do not drive so I will be taking the Trailway bus. WE DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE so we are paying out of pocket. I would ask to be put on the prayer chain. I do not know when I will be back on steemit s this will consume my time. but We need all the prayers we can get. Humble and kind thanks - Troy

It is my understanding that two windows will need to be replaced and we will have to call service master for a clean up of the smoke dmamge and fine dust.


God Watches over Us

  1. Mom was Safe and did not die
  2. The smoke alarm worked (we replaced the battery a few months ago)
  3. At lest the fire was contained to the basement.
  4. She was able to spend the night at the neighbor's house.

I am traveling today to be with her and assess the damage. Thanks for any prayers you may be able to lift up.

My nominees for this challenge are:

@enjoywithtroy, @snowpea, @creatr

The rules:

Write a post about something you have to be postive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the oppurtunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.

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Feel free to comment upvote or resteem.


May our LORD bless you on your mission to help your mom...



Thank you friend, you are a true brother or sister in Christ, and I appreciate your caring, and love for others. Troy is very blessed to have you in his corner as well as God! You have pointed Troy in the right direction @creatr. Thankfulness is key isn’t it, I love the verse in the Bible, and have thought about it many times because I have as well as everybody else, have seen many valleys, but those valleys have deminished drastically to almost none, through faith, prayers, and thankfulness! This verse has been my key to the kingdom of God. This is the verse I treasure “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.” Sometimes when valleys are so deep, it’s hard to be thankful for anything, especially when death is involved. But praying for strength, and help, looking for the good, having faith with no fear, trusting that “HE WILL PROVIDE” is crucial. He allows things to happen, because he wants us to draw nearer to him. I know that if I had a child that only wanted to be close to me when he or she needed something, but he or she didn’t want to spend time with me when I needed the child, I would feel very sad and disappointed. I never want my Father in heaven to see me as spoiled, because we all have a lot to be thankful for, especially in America. It could always be worse. God test our faith. If we clam to be Christians, we must take a deep look in the mirror and ask ourselves, do I really know God ? Do I talk to him? Do I read his word everyday? Do I ponder and think about what God says for me to do? Do I do what he says to do ? Do I look like Jesus? Am I a light, a beacon of holiness’s with open arms? If we say no two just one of those things, than we need help. He knows what I need. I still look in the mirror almost everyday, and sometimes I’m ashamed, but if you sincerely repent, all will be forgiven, if somehow you do the same evil again, and you feel guilt, repent and all will be forgiven, it takes practice and perseverance, but one day with help from God , you’ll stop it. God is good isn’t he? May God Bless you abundantly @creatr, love the user name by the way, and I pray that brother @enjoywithtroy takes the time to read this. When I started to write this sir, I was only planning on writing a few words, I guess God had other plans to call out to Troy. Blessings ❣️

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Your very kind @creatr❣️

Hello Enjoywithtroy, It's a post in a very motivational This is what I would like to do in my father. Hope you get this post from me too. keepit up bro and keep mein your mind :)

Enjoy the world and inform the world :)

Rizve Ahmed 02.06.2018

Hi @enjoywithtroy, wonderful post, I will continue to pray for you and your mother, God will get you through this friend, he always has❣️

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