
Thank you friend, you are a true brother or sister in Christ, and I appreciate your caring, and love for others. Troy is very blessed to have you in his corner as well as God! You have pointed Troy in the right direction @creatr. Thankfulness is key isn’t it, I love the verse in the Bible, and have thought about it many times because I have as well as everybody else, have seen many valleys, but those valleys have deminished drastically to almost none, through faith, prayers, and thankfulness! This verse has been my key to the kingdom of God. This is the verse I treasure “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.” Sometimes when valleys are so deep, it’s hard to be thankful for anything, especially when death is involved. But praying for strength, and help, looking for the good, having faith with no fear, trusting that “HE WILL PROVIDE” is crucial. He allows things to happen, because he wants us to draw nearer to him. I know that if I had a child that only wanted to be close to me when he or she needed something, but he or she didn’t want to spend time with me when I needed the child, I would feel very sad and disappointed. I never want my Father in heaven to see me as spoiled, because we all have a lot to be thankful for, especially in America. It could always be worse. God test our faith. If we clam to be Christians, we must take a deep look in the mirror and ask ourselves, do I really know God ? Do I talk to him? Do I read his word everyday? Do I ponder and think about what God says for me to do? Do I do what he says to do ? Do I look like Jesus? Am I a light, a beacon of holiness’s with open arms? If we say no two just one of those things, than we need help. He knows what I need. I still look in the mirror almost everyday, and sometimes I’m ashamed, but if you sincerely repent, all will be forgiven, if somehow you do the same evil again, and you feel guilt, repent and all will be forgiven, it takes practice and perseverance, but one day with help from God , you’ll stop it. God is good isn’t he? May God Bless you abundantly @creatr, love the user name by the way, and I pray that brother @enjoywithtroy takes the time to read this. When I started to write this sir, I was only planning on writing a few words, I guess God had other plans to call out to Troy. Blessings ❣️

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Your very kind @creatr❣️

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