Gratitude Challenge 2: Thicker Than Water

Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of life is easy. Some days we just have to get things done so we put our heads down and get to work. Then, after a few days of putting our nose to the grindstone we find ourselves in a groove and we forget to stop and smell the flowers. @mariannewest kindly invited me to join in the 7 Day Positivity Challenge at the most perfect time. Yes! This is just want I needed to switch gears, shake the negativity, and remind myself just how much I have to be grateful for in my life instead.

FamilyPhoto by Marco Ceschi on Unsplash

Raise your hand if you've ever lashed out at your family. sheepishly raises hand. Guilty as charged. They are the people you turn to in your darkest hour and often that means when you're busting at the seams with frustration, they're the ones you unleash it onto. I love my family. They are generous, they are funny, they are insightful, they are frustrating, they are supportive, they are wonderful, and they are just a little crazy. The past few years have felt like nothing but an uphill climb and my family has always had my back. You know what they say, blood is thicker than water.

I am grateful for my family.

I feel like my life is made up of endless evolutions and I am not sure if the person I was 10 years ago would even recognize the person I am today. I have grown, I have struggled, I have overcome, and I have had the support of my family along the way. They haven't always been 100% on board with all of my decisions but they've stood behind me anyway.

In the past few years, we have house hopped between different family members based on our situation and needs. Moving back in with your parents is never easy but it wasn't long ago that multi-generation homes existed because we could all use a little help. I know adjusting to additional people in your home isn't easy either, especially when we come with twins. I've lost track of just how many times my family (in-laws included) have given us a hand up. Plus, my family is loaded with the connections and skills we needed to get started on our homestead. Be sure to stay tuned for that sneak peek...

You've Been Nominated


The rules:

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

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Sometimes it's not the family you are born into, it's the family you build and/or choose! It is so great to have a family to lean on when it counts!

I couldn't agree more. When we first got home with our twins we felt like we could barely keep our heads above water. We reached out to friends for help and so many people came to our aid. Some friends dropped off freezer meals, others brought groceries, and some even delivered boxes of baby stuff in case we didn't have enough and couldn't get out the door. Our tribe is amazing and I am so grateful for them. -Aimee

does the writing have to be in english?

The rules don't specify anything about language so I encourage you to jump in. In fact, consider yourself nominated and I will make it official in tomorrow's post. 🙂 -Aimee

I have even posted today, he he he

I am interested in your challenge, I will come

I am glad that you're interested in participating! Consider yourself nominated, I will make it official in tomorrow's post. 🙂 -Aimee

It is important for anybody to stay in positive thinking of given life to maintain a great attitude and gratitude. I read it your post with happiness too @canadianrenegade

I agree, mindset is crucial to happiness. The more gratitude we express and the better our outlook on life becomes. When we are happy and grateful good things comes to us, or at least we can appreciate the little things. When we are focused on the challenges it's hard to see all we are blessed with in life. -Aimee

It is so important to show gratitude, we should do it more often, we can end up taking things for granted otherwise, I can definitely put my hand up when it comes to lashing out at my family, it's hard when you share so many memories and emotions with them. xx Always nice to get a reminder to be grateful, thank you xx

I agree! I have been really slacking on showing my gratitude and this challenge couldn't have come at a better time. I always find when I focus on negative, that's all I see but when I focus on the positive life feels much more optimistic. And who wouldn't want to feel optimistic about their life? Thanks for stopping by! -Aimee

I just read a gratitude post from a grandfather's point of view. Like you said, it used to be the norm that all generations lived together - and still is in many countries.

Now, it is becoming the norm again because it is hard to get started on your own. It is expensive and all of that. I am glad that you have a supportive family - and there is always a little bit of conflict when people live together.

Oh man, unless you're willing to go into debt, it is so hard to get started. We're in our 30's, getting as much help as we can, we and are still having to take on debt to get ourselves going. We're doing as much as we can to keep our debt minimal but short of not having a family we're finding it impossible to be completely debt free. Thank goodness our family has been so accommodating because that's what is keeping us afloat. -Aimee

It is pretty much impossible. And we really need to change our paradigm as a society. It is way too stressful to have little kids, need to struggle to make ends meet and all of that. We all need way more support.

You have great support and that's really wonderful. Connections and skills are indeed going to come handy while working on your homestead. I'm excited for you. One more step to building your freedom.

I am mixed on the family thing. Some are amazing, yet others are rarely present. Even when they are, it's usually very negative and counter-productive to what we are striving for.

We do have a lot to be grateful for, however, so we accept your nomination. Thank you for thinking of us.

Family isn't always the people you share a blood relation to either. We all have the opportunity to make a family of our own too. A tribe, if you will. And whether by blood or by bond, no family is perfect. I can't say everyone in our family is perfect, nor am I. But I will be grateful for those members who are there when we need them and for those for are forgiving when I'm the ass. 😉

I am glad you're joining in the challenge and I look forward to seeing your gratitudes. -Aimee

Excellent post!

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