SEC S17-W6 || User Engagement and Retention on Steem

in SteemitCryptoAcademy28 days ago (edited)
Hello SteemitCryptoAcademy

Hello My Steemain Friends ,

How are you. I hope you people of steemian are good and enjoy your life . Well I am well. May God bless you all. Today I am writing about an interesting Steemit Engagement Challenge S17 - W6: which is all time my favourite topic “User Engagement and Retention on Steem" So, in this post I am going to share my point of view about this topic.



What are the demographics of Steem’s most active users, and how do these demographics influence user engagement strategies?

The aim is to become more familiar with Steam's user population. To participate in as many competitions as possible, to comment, to come face to face with each other. This makes the person feel connected to you and gets them excited to work and trust a platform like Steam. Sometimes it happens that when the environment of the platform is good and it is trustworthy, then the person does not hesitate to invest on it. Here we invest our time and our energy on the Steam platform.

Today there are many such areas of social media where people are gaining a lot of fame. Because their engagement with the people is more. Because they are continuously working and doing good work. There are many such users who have achieved the pinnacle of success. It is similar on Steemit also, here when a person starts working, he starts with great enthusiasm. But the one who receives a lot of votes and comments remains enthusiastic and the one who does not receive votes sometimes falls into depression. Overall, it comes from the engagement of the population.


screenshot taken by me

Here we get to see the culture and lifestyle of different countries, which is praiseworthy, where we would hardly ever be able to visit. But through Steemit and those who have become our friends on this platform, we can easily see their lifestyle.

Instagram is done, Facebook is done, YouTube is done, nowadays users are serving content on different platforms and some are serving very unique and beneficial content, which are getting success but sometimes I have seen there also. That people serve anything. Sometimes they even become famous, one wonders how much time people have. To view such content. A separate world of their own has been created, there also a person gets excited by awards and followers.

But I like Steemit platform more because here if you do good work and good engagement then your earning starts immediately, so this is the plus point of Steemit. That a person can fulfill his desires and dreams. Even if it happens slowly, it is definitely happening. I arrived on this platform in 2023. Today I have learned a lot from my journey and somewhere I have satisfaction in my mind, but still there are many plans that I have to complete.

"Don't step back from continuous hard work, keep doing and only doing."


What specific strategies have been most effective in driving user engagement on the Steem platform, and how have these strategies evolved over time?

The best strategy to increase user engagement is engagement. Voting and commenting are mainly included in the strategy. Because on this basis people know and recognize each other. The best strategy is contest, in which people participate and become winners. And their conversations with many people become acquaintances and friendships. Today, there are people from many countries with whom the users have good acquaintance, with whom a special bond has been formed.

What I like about Steemit is that here each other is encouraged and their work is appreciated. Due to which the person gets encouraged and the spirit develops in him that he too can do something. There is no place for criticism here. Every kind of competition is organized here. There are competitions on every subject, in which people participate very comfortably and wholeheartedly. Those who like cooking, story telling, everything, every topic is available here for us to show our skills.


What are the main challenges Steem faces in maintaining and growing its user base, particularly in comparison to other blockchain-based social platforms?

Steem faces the following challenges in improving its site. Here work is done like block chain. Like everything is transparent in blockchain cryptocurrency. Similarly, everything is transparent on Steemit also. Like who got how many votes, who commented what to whom, who is getting engaged to what extent. There is a tool available here to test it, so it is as challenging as it is reliable. However, the prize here is not as easy as people think. This adage is proved here

"Keep serving selflessly
The suffering makes the meat taste better."


Image taken by me

Everyone here, be it mods, admins or users, is doing amazing work at their own level and is doing it with full dedication. But regrettably, there is a lack of certainty of vote here, which is quite sad. It is not that only new users do not get votes here, sometimes even experienced users have to wait for votes. In the year 2023, TRX was also available along with Steam in Steemit, while their rate in the market was quite low, but since TRX has been discontinued, SBD has taken its place. Since then all the users are getting a lot of benefits, people are getting to taste the taste of Dolphin Puri, which is a matter of great happiness.


How effective are the reward mechanisms and economic incentives on Steem in encouraging long-term engagement and retention among users?

The reward mechanism on Steam is quite effective in encouraging long-term engagement among users. Because this encourages the user and writes new posts with full enthusiasm. Because when a person gets the appropriate results of his work, a new energy is generated inside him. The most important thing is that its economic system is also strong. Because everyone here is working hard and generating income. because all There are expenses, there is a family and the hard work seems to be complete here, one has to give full time, so getting the reward provides both mental encouragement and financial encouragement.


I have seen many users who are doing very good work. But his identity has not been established yet. They get very few or no votes and then there comes a time when they start feeling disappointed that perhaps Steemit is not for them. Because nowadays everyone wants to earn income online. A person can improve his financial condition by generating second income, so if there is a little improvement in the reward system then the person will not feel discouraged. Because only when they get votes, they will grow and their reputation will also improve.


What new technologies or tools could Steem integrate to enhance user engagement and retention on the platform? And what potential improvements can be made to increase active participation on Steem, particularly from new or inactive users?

Steam needs to be more reliable to increase user engagement and retention on the platform as people develop a feeling of negativity when they do not receive support. As far as I feel, there is a need to encourage new and dormant utilities. This kind of strategy should not become one's own to give so that everyone can get support for their work so that they get a reason to stay on this platform.

Because everyone knows that the number of users on Steemit is very high. But accordingly the number of people providing curator votes is very less. Due to which only a few people are able to get votes. Therefore the number of curators should increase and there should be certainty of a beneficial vote. After that, even if there are bonus points like booming votes, if you get all these then it will be called beneficial.


screenshot taken by me

The rate of SBD is much higher than TRX, due to which new and new users are excited to do more and more work. Because with higher rates the chances of people's dreams being fulfilled increases. People also become inactive on this platform because when they work hard and get engaged in the engagement challenge and come on top. Even then, if they do not receive the award, a feeling of discouragement develops within them.


In the end I would say that people should keep their faith and keep working hard, then the Steemit platform has the ability to fulfill dreams and if a little improvement is made in the rules here. If there is certainty in the prize voting then perhaps the face of Steemit will improve further. Because all users are important and all are working hard. If this realization is achieved through curators and reward votes, then perhaps no user will be inactive on Steemit. Because getting votes creates an enthusiasm among the people which inspires us to do regular work.


25% to @null


I want to invite my friends to take part in this contest: , @yourloveguru ,@sduttaskitchen , @patjewell


Thankyou 🙏




Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through Curation Team#3. We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere and with any tags.

Thankyou so much dear @goodybest for your great support 💞

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Thank you for a meaningful post in this contest! I know most people come here to earn money and that's natural and when they don't get it they become frustrated and leave. To keep them interested we need to maintain a standard and stop voting on meaningless posts. We can't expect expert writers if the see meaningless post through the tweets which might even demotivate them and that's one of the reasons we have too few users from developed countries. I wish you a great result in this contest!

Thank you very much for reading my post and giving your valuable time. You are absolutely right that we get very few users from developed countries. I hope that everyone here gets the fruits of their hard work and that everyone's dreams come true. Because this platform has shown success to many. Thank you once again.
Best of luck for this challenge .

First of all, I thank you for inviting me to this challenge. It was very nice to read your post. Because the way you have explained about the strategy of encouraging new users and inactive users on this platform, it is quite commendable. Because everyone wants to get the fruits of their hard work and everyone really needs a positive environment. Only then does the person get attracted and encouraged. May you be successful in this challenge.

Of course, Steemit requires hard work and staying engaged. Only then you can achieve success, because as we all know that nowadays we are getting rewards along with Steem as well as SBD, which is a gift from Steemit to all Steemans. And all users want to take advantage of this gift. Thank you very much for reading my post.

@aviral123 Its clear you value the diverse community and the connections formed across cultures. Your insights into challenges like vote uncertainty resonate with many users experiences. Best of luck

Thanks for reading my post. Of course, here we see, understand and feel good about the cultures and food habits of different religious communities of different countries. And everyone here is working very hard on this platform. Everyone has some goals and dreams, so it is very important to stay engaged with each other. Only then will you be able to make your mark on this platform. Success is not achieved here by working just for one day. Here we have to work continuously every day. Only then can we dream of achieving success.
Thank you

You have mentioned a key factor about users joining Steemit; they want to earn online.
And that is for sure why we have Steemians begging for votes or getting dispondent and wanting to leave the platform.
It is of utmost importance that we "sell" the beauty of Steemit to users, making friends, learning, and the list goes on.

Well done for writing a great post.
PS: Thank you for the invitation.

First of all, I would like to thank you, my dear friend, that you read my post carefully and understand how important the points I have highlighted are for the users on Steemit. You understood this.

This is enough for me and I would also like to say that if this post of mine expresses everyone's thoughts and really shows these problems, then the purpose of writing my post has been successful. Thank you very much once again. ❤️❤️

your friend aviral123

It was a pleasure reading and commenting on your post my friend. 🎕

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

Support partner witnesses


We are the hope!

Thanks for your great support 🙏

Hello @aviral123
Greetings to you hope you are well and enjoying a happy life with steem. Thanks for sharing your opinions about steem with us. It's great to read your content. You did a very good job on steemit engaging with others. I mostly see you on top with the most engagement. Rewards are our hope so steemit is better than others like WhatsApp and facebook. Because on steemit when we engage a lot with others and provide a quality content then we get rewards in return but whatsapp not give us a reward. So as compare to others steemit is a great one. I wish you many more success. Stay blessed.

Dear friend
You are also enjoying your Steemit journey very well. I have also often seen you at the peak of your engagement. It's good, everyone works hard here and gets rewards accordingly. Because there are a lot of users who work hard and the rewards are very less.

Of course our time is just wasted on Facebook and WhatsApp. But here on Steemit we get to learn a lot and the most important thing is to visit countries we have never been able to and talk to people we have never been able to. That dream is being fulfilled here, because everyone is always curious to know about another country.
Thank you

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