Cultivation of Flower Plants from Used Tires. ( Budidaya Tanaman Bunga dari Ban Bekas.)

in #zzan4 years ago

Hello Steem lovers,

Have you ever seen a garden where there are tires accompanied by flowers, ..? Of course for those who have seen it are already familiar, but for those who do not know, then this is new knowledge for flower lovers to cultivate a flower garden from used tires. Why is that? because in addition to the beautiful color when painted and it turns out that the prices of used tires sold on the market are relatively cheap. there are even used tires that can be obtained for free and then process them into beautiful and attractive parks

Pernahkah Anda melihat taman di mana ada ban disertai bunga, ..? Tentu saja bagi yang sudah melihatnya sudah tidak asing lagi, tetapi bagi yang belum tahu, maka ini pengetahuan baru bagi pecinta bunga untuk mengolah taman bunga dari ban bekas. Mengapa demikian? karena selain warnanya yang indah saat dicat dan ternyata harga ban bekas yang dijual di pasaran relatif murah. bahkan ada ban bekas yang bisa didapat secara gratis dan kemudian mengolahnya menjadi taman yang indah dan menarik

The flower garden above can be cultivated in front of your house, school, or wherever you want, even if a small yard can also be cultivated and turned on for the beauty of the garden. so that the home page becomes colorful and attractive to the eye

Taman bunga di atas dapat dibudidayakan di depan rumah, sekolah, atau di mana pun Anda inginkan, bahkan jika halaman kecil juga bisa diolah dan dihidupkan untuk keindahan taman. sehingga halaman rumah menjadi berwarna dan menarik bagi mata

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