in #zulfikaraw6 years ago


It was the month of May of 1928:

The river was at the highest point that she had ever seen, all advised to wait until the next day, but could not wait, but crossed the river her son would die, she had a mule, she looked for an ear of corn, she took it the grains with his knife and then introduced it through the animal's anus. This would prevent the poor mule from drowning. She had to fight with the animal to enter the river, the animal refused to cooperate, with great strength achieved its goal and launched into the stormy waters. When entering she was dragged with force to the middle of the current, she managed to grab a few lianas hanging at one end of the river, thus miraculously avoiding death in the dangerous waters.
Now she had to hurry up, she did not want the night to be an accomplice of wild beasts.
Tigers abounded in the area. Now began the search for her, it was the first time that she came without the expert in herbs. She had to correctly identify the plant in question the musca, also had to prepare the juice there because its effect was reduced by cutting it. His son's life depended on it.
Finally after a lot of walking she found what she was looking for, she cut the plant and began to prepare the brew, but she heard some steps and could feel the breathing of a tiger that looked at her face to face ...

Recall a bit:
It was the year of 1908, she was born in a secluded mining town.
There the land was cultivated and the best products of the field were obtained.
That day a star predicted his destiny, would have strength, determination and love life very much.
Her mother died when she was twelve years old. She had a lot of livestock and large tracts of land.
When she saw death coming, it was the first time she knew fear.
She took care of her younger siblings since then.
Life in the jungle was rough. In the town there were no doctors, they did not know penicillin and they depended on the herbs of the area. This was a town where the law of the strongest ruled.

... she heard a shotgun blast and the tiger fell at her feet was the catire who was looking for her when she heard of his departure. Good thing that this is also saved.
Her hands were cold but the heat came like a torrent of water to her entire body.
she thanked the catire with a big hug for having saved her life.
They set out to find a place to rest, put up hammocks in the trees and fell asleep until the other day.
Once under the flood, they were able to cross the river and reach the town. There was a stir there over the events of last night. She could not wait to bring the brew to her son, later she would find out what that was about.
It seems that a man had stolen Mr. Jack's gold, the suspicion fell on the bandit Ores, the one they said had killed a miner in the back. The sheriff of the town was looking for the catire to help him with the case. The catire was a thin man with big hands, he was feared when he fought, they say he did not lose a fight, but he considered himself a peaceful man after all. The offer to be the sheriff for a while was not to his liking.
Once again he would lose himself in the jungle. He went to find some food, then he would hide
He left in a hurry not to be seen and plunged into the dense jungle. He forgot to bring something important, the snuff to chew that drives away the snakes ... After walking all day he fell asleep, to wake up in the middle of the river. He was being dragged by the flood, a stone hit his head and remained insensitive, his body slid quickly through the water ... There passed the musician of the town that came to offer their services at a fair, seeing him cast his instrument at He tied himself to his horse and launched himself to help the man, luckily he arrived in time to drag him to the shore. Another life saved in the jungle ...
We can not deny that life always carries many dangers
but the jungle will always bring adventures in its path.

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