Zombie Breeding Discovered

in #zombie6 years ago (edited)


Proof of the breeding of zombies has been recently discovered. Today while reading a blog from @tarazkp titled "Biological engineering through social constructs" I left a somewhat lengthy comment on his blog. While I was leaving this comment, I realized that what I was doing was in essence writing a blog in his comment section. This is fine because I enjoy the fact that he inspires me to write, and I applaud him for that. This blog also made me realize something that I had been witnessing for quite some time. Something sinister. Something dark.

While writing this lengthy comment, I had a memory of a couple that I had seen in retail chain a few days prior. I remember fixating on this couple as I watched them shop. Something about them just made them fun to watch. I felt bad for them, yet at the same time I just couldn't bring myself to look away. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

The female was short and overweight. Her hair and clothes were both a mess. She wore a thin flowered dress that ended just before her black socks started. Her makeup seemed to have been applied, via finger paint, by her 2 year old toddler who was riding in the cart. She slumped over the cart, breathing heavily as she struggled to push it forward. Her bottom lip sagged downward, as her jaw hung open. I imagine that there was drool, however my stomach would not allow me to examine this woman more closely than I had been. I vividly remember her wiping her nose on her arm and looking at it. She gazed at it, in what appeared to be total confusion.

The toddler, seated in the basket between the drain cleaner and the saw blades seemed to entertain himself as the couple shopped for pet supplies. He was grunting and making noises as he tried to bend a video game, in what seemed to be an attempt to remove the packaging. Had this toddler noticed the razor blades sitting directly beside him, he may have been able to open the package much easier while his parents were fixated on the pine rodent bedding that they seemed to be shopping for.

The man, standing beside the wife, seemed to tower over her, yet his weight appeared to be half of hers. I looked at his shoes which were worn and tattered. Above the shoes you could see his unmatching socks. The gap between the mans socks and jeans was like none I had ever seen. He must have mistaken his childs pants for his own. His head pushed forward as he seemed to have a permanant look of disbelief on his face while he looked at the pine bedding.

The mans head snapped back and forth, as if seeking the approval of the woman leaning on the cart. The woman now appeared to be staring directly into the fluorescent light mounted on the ceiling. She seemed to be mesmerized by it as her retinas must have been melting from her skull. She seemed completely oblivious to this man, yet he still seemed to jerk his head back and forth, as if he were seeking her approval of his total disbelief.

What if this couple were to split up? Maybe one of them could go on to marry someone rich and famous. Maybe they could marry a president or the leader of a foreign country. Maybe they could go on to rule the world.

Perhaps some great leader of the Free World could find this poor woman as she stands in Walmart scratching her vagina and sniffing her fingers. Perhaps he could make her life better than it could have ever been on her own. Maybe he would spend his fortunes on her liposuctions and numerous plastic surgeries.

Even if he did, what about her mental incapacities. What about her drooling on herself? What about her inability to answer a simple question or engage in casual conversation? Could he possibly overlook all of this and see the inner beauty?

I am not saying that this is not possible. This has happened before in the past and this would definitely not be the first time. This phenomenon has become so well documented that books have been written on the subject. One such book has become so well known that it has even been made into a movie. This movie has become so famous, that most people living today have heard of it. It was called "Beauty and the Beast".

The truth is that the politically elite and the powerful tend to breed amongst themselves. High-ranking political figures and people in great power do not tend to seek their breeding partners in the Walmart pet section. They do not go to fast food drive-thrus to pick up a partner.

The Rich and Famous seem to marry the Rich and Famous. They also seem to breed with the Rich and Famous. They make children. Those children will make more children and so on.

The poverty-stricken and disabled, seem to also breed amongst themselves. They do not have the access required to go out, in search of a mate in a powerful position. Therefore, they are left to feed off of those who remain, even if their potential breeding partners happen to be within their own bloodline.

These genetic and personality traits are being passed on over Generations. The strong will get stronger, as the weak get weaker. The smart will get smarter, as the dumb get dumber. In the end, this world will consist of those who appear to be superhuman, and those who appear to have no meaningful use to society.

Some of your bloodlines may be considered zombies in the future, while some of you could hold great positions of power. The choice is up to you.

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