How do zodiac signs react on insult?

in #zodiac7 years ago


Everything happens in life. Sometimes, no matter how much he tries, he can not avoid the argument, and he wants to say something sharp and insulting. Before we do that, it would be nice to remember who we are dealing with, and it will be immediately clear to us what we can expect from the person against us.

The rams respond to the offense violently, violently and instantly. If for some reason they do not immediately pour out their emotions (it did not work because, for example, you have frightened and escaped), the Aries will hardly go to chase you, and at the next meeting will not remind you of what happened. But he will not forget about him: you try to offend him once more, you will get a double blow.

Telles may not respond at all to insulting words for a long time (or pretend they do not respond). First, the representatives of this sign have always to do something more important, secondly, they can understand the guilty one and even sympathize with him. However, if the offense is serious, there is no going back - just once and for all throw you away from your friendly circle. And not just on social networks.

Twins can respond to insult in a variety of ways. For example, they can joke with the person who offended them, or imagines it in the best light or pretend that nothing has happened or make a real scandal - here the abilities of the Gemini are almost limitless. What is important to remember: things do not end with the initial reaction. There will be a second and a third, and they will all be different. In general, if life seems too light and monotonous, try insulting Bliznaka. It will become harder for you at once.

Crabs are very careful not to notice that they are offended, but that does not happen to them. It's not easy to keep your emotions under control. Injured Cancer will try to explain to you what you have not been doing (most likely, they will not be able to keep calm or explain properly). Then he will think for a long time, choosing new arguments and arguments to hold two or three lectures. Generally, if you do not want long, unpleasant conversations about your personality, do not offend Cancer.

The lions are insulting so vividly and expressively that you want to watch this over and over - like the volcano eruption. As you can guess in both cases, it is better to do this remotely so as not to affect you. If you have not been able to escape, hold on: you are expecting streams of rage, a city of scandalous mockery, blowing with the unguarded truth. You may try to ask for forgiveness. If you do it sincerely and persistently, the Lion can change his anger with mercy. He does not offend at all like you, just joking.

Virgo is offended as if unnoticed, but very dangerous. They will scarcely fight with you and will most likely not start revenge. However, they can stop helping you - not because they are evil, but simply out of bitterness. And here you will understand how much you have not done, for the Virgin is an excellent ally, an indispensable assistant, and it will be very difficult for you to find a deputy. Another bad point - to ask to forgive you is meaningless. You may try to cure your guilt with an act, but there is no guarantee that it will happen.

Libra is offended much more than anyone can imagine. Insulted Libra can continue to communicate with you casually, save you at a difficult time, offer you help, and make a bunch of other good things for you. Does this mean you can offend Libra with impunity? Not and not! In any case, the man who has offended the Libra will come to him, and that will happen very soon. Well, Libra here will have nothing to do with ... Is it?

Scorpions are offended seriously for a long time. Representatives of this sign have a good memory - they will never forget how sick they have been, how many unpleasant moments they have had to experience. And they will remind you of the insult, whether it is small, many times, in the most inappropriate circumstances. The scorpion, by the way, will hardly try to hide that you have offended him - soon everyone around will know what a bad person you are.

Arrows do not like being offended. They love everything to be nice, and for the unpleasant, they try to forget as quickly as possible. And the best way to forget, as everyone knows, is to eliminate the source of irritation from your sight. That is why the Sagittarius will either stay further away from you or will make you stay farther away from it. And you will surely be sorry for what you've done because along with the Sagittarius, your friends will turn away - and these are very, very nice and interesting people.

Capricorns are not offended until last. If the last point is, run away - the insulted Capricorn is unpredictable and very dangerous. Sometimes he would be happy to forgive you, but he does not get it. The accumulated emotions overcome the common sense. It is this unpleasant moment of his own anger that the Capricorn will remember for a very long time, so he will prefer not to work with you anymore - not to be angry but to live peacefully. But not with you.

Aquarians are offended by understanding. If you have been wronged by a representative of this sign, do something good for him, then again and again - and the incident will be exhausted. Do not you want? Will be required! Aquarians know how to get you, manipulate and cheat if they want to achieve theirs. Until you offend and afflict them, that is not so much noticeable. Do it, do it, prepare to work for the good of Aquarius.

The fish are offended beautifully. And they know that, by the way. So they can react sharply to something very small - just to hit you right in the heart with the finesse of their own kind. So, if you insulted Pisces, it threatens you overdosing the beautiful and sublime. Perhaps a more prosaic punishment: there are many venal piers among the representatives of this sign. So you'd better not be at risk.


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