Zodiac Signs - Common Myths Vs Realities

in #zodiac7 years ago

Good Day Steemians,

We all are well aware of the concept of birth stars also known as zodiac signs. They impact our daily lifes and also our personalities. Many of you may have different views with respect to different zodiac signs and their effects on people. Sometimes, these zodiac signs can be labelled with stereotypes which aren’t true.

Nevertheless, with passing time, people have developed a believe that these zodiac signs leave an impact on people as per their traits they posses. So today, I am going to give a brief overview on all of the myths and misconceptions related to these signs and also shedding light on the actual existing realities.

.... Sometimes, truth is hidden in many covers !!


Myth: Aggressive and Conflict causing people.

Aries people have an image of the most aggressive entities existing among masses. They are considered to be in love with the approach of fights and wreak havoc.


As per the daily life experience most of the aries are not like as mentioned. If you treat them with respect they will show you nothing but the same and will show loyalty. They will be the most fun person to be with.


Myth: Lazy Cat

Taurus are usually observed to be a little sluggish and lazy people, also over indulgent. They like to indulge but they work extremely hard to get where they want to be in life.


Taurus actually are sort of perfectionist people. They have an appreciation for the finest things including luxury in any aspect which they always work hard to experience. They are always keen on experiencing new things.


Myth: Half Good Half Evil

Geminis are considered to be multi-faceted people, which lead them to be less trustworthy and somehow evil. They somehow develop a misjudged personality.


Gemini people have evolving and adapting personalities towards new surroundings. They simply are friendly people who change themselves and understand that the world isn’t always so black and white.


Myth: Weak and Defenceless.

Cancers are considered to be sensitive and emotional people but in actual they are some of the toughest creatures in all of the zodiac.


Zodiac sign: Cancer is extremely resilient and able to deal with all sorts of situations. They have mental strength that cause sheer determination and unwillingness to quit when they want something.


Myth: Confident And Self Assured

A common belief about leo people are that they are much more confident and independent and the are very sure about the things they do or say.


Leo's do have insecurities and can actually be quite sensitive and conscious of what others think. Although they might not admit or show it but they have a genuine desire to be liked by their peers and can sometimes worry too much about how they are perceived.


Myth: Angry And Shy People

Virgos have a perceptions of being not much social and lonely people with no fun and less fascination.


Virgos are capable of sparking some of the most fascinating conversations to the people they open up but sometimes they take time to do so. They are shy and reserved and take a bit longer to warm up to New people. Once they feel comfortable and at ease though they will start to open up more and may even get a bit WILD!


Myth: Fake And Wearing A Mask

Libras have an image for being “fake” or somehow inauthentic and dishonest people.


The truth is that although they might tell the occasional harmless “white lie”, if it's related to the important stuff they are the most honest and truthful people in whole of the zodiac. They try to be a diplomat for everyone happiness and to bring people together.


Myth: Love to dislike everyone.

Scorpio are a little bit ‘cold’ or ‘distant' which is perceived as if they dislike everyone that come into contact with.


Scorpio actually like honest people and they just take some time to build up trust with others. Their trust can be earned by time and patience only. If you give them time and don’t try to rush them then the wait is more than worth it!


Myth: Fun And Partying

Sagittarians can have outgoing personalities, they are upbeat 24/7 and never get down.


The truth is they might disguise and hide behind their life realities. They can sometimes act happy as a way to hide their true feelings. They have an optimistic approach towards life but they project a positive image in order to cover up their negative emotions. They’re just extremely selective about who they show that kind of stuff too.


Myth: Practical People

Capricorn are known to be serious and more boring person who are much more practical towards life.


They usually are misinterpreted for being dull and boring, instead they actually are some of the most interesting people you could ever meet. They just work hard today so that they can reap the rewards tomorrow.


Myth: Silent People

There is not much going on in the head and heart of aquarians. They are incapable of deeper thought and emotions.


Aquarians are amongst some of the deepest thinkers in all of the zodiac. Sometimes, they they do their best thinking when they are on their own. They just stay away from all of the chaos in the world.


Myth: Crazy Insane

Pisces are different among people they are considered to be having a unique specimen and are labeled as flat-out crazy.


The truth is they operate from a different wave length and have a unique perspective. They focus on positives energies. The Pisces isn’t so much crazy as they are an escapist.

  • Cat that wipes: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius

  • Cat that smacks: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn

  • Cat that watches: Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius

Source: 1
Source: 2


Nice post! Agree with you in many things. And also lovely cats:)

Who doesn't love cats? Hahaha. Thanks for the read!

Не вводите людей в заблуждение...бред...

hahah i enjoyed that but def not me as an emoji! I'm Aquarius and we think wayyyy too much :D

Hahah. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks!

Aquarius and proud until I die! But really it's so true this post. Thanks for the interesting read.

You're welcome. Thanks for reading :)

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