Netanyahu to Iran: Get Out of Syria Fast, We Won’t Stop Attacking

in #zionism6 years ago


Not only is he NUTS, he is genocidally insane and a pathological liar ! Graphic source:  

  • Netanyahu to Iran: Get Out of Syria Fast, We Won’t Stop Attacking
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the IDF will continue to attack Iranians in Syria. Earlier, an Israeli commander said it conducted attacks in the country on nearly a daily basis and supplied arms to Syrian rebels.

    “I’m telling you, get out of there fast. We won’t stop attacking,” the prime minister said on Tuesday morning during a ceremony, in which he appointed Aviv Kochavi as the new chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

    Netanyahu also rejected statements by an Iranian official, who said Iran only sent military advisers to Syria and not regular fighting troops. “They always lie. They are lying with that and they are lying when they say their attempt to launch a satellite into space failed,” he said.

    The Israeli leader was referring to the remarks made on Monday by Iranian General Hassan Firoozabadi, who said its “military advisers” will say in Syria as long as required to defeat terrorists, and an announcement on Tuesday by Iranian Communications Minister Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, who said Tehran’s attempt to place a satellite into orbit had failed.

    read more.


Revelation 2:9 – …. and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

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