Israeli Colonists Attack Palestinians In Their Olive Orchards Near Nablus

in #zionism7 years ago


  • Israeli Colonists Attack Palestinians In Their Olive Orchards Near Nablus
    Several Israeli colonists attacked, on Saturday evening, many Palestinians while picking their olive trees in their own orchards, in Huwwara town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

    The Palestinians were assaulted by many colonists from Yitzhar illegal settlement, which was built on Palestinian lands south of Nablus. The assault took place in the al-Halloum area, in Huwwara; the Palestinians managed to overcome the colonists, forcing them to flee the area.

    Such attacks significantly increase each year during the olive harvest season, and largely target orchards that became in close proximity to illegal colonies and outposts, built stolen Palestinian lands.

    Other violations include burning trees and farmlands, flooding farmlands with sewage water, in addition to cutting and uprooting the trees, and illegally confiscating them by installing outposts and barbed wires.

    The Israeli army largely ignores these attacks, and refrains from intervening, unless the violations lead to clashes with the Palestinians, and in such cases, the soldiers frequently resort to excessive force against the Palestinians, including the use of live fire, gas bombs and rubber-coated steel bullets.

 Revelation 2:9 – …. and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 

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Zionists are heartless thugs, blinded by racism, lead by the most power hungry greedy corrupt psychopathic politicians. Jews in Israel are indoctrinated into hate and racism, stripped out off their humanity and turned into thieves and murderers, desensitized to violence, disconnected from compassion. Raised to have a superiority complex yet feel like the victim of the world.
In the Insane asylum called Israel, its mass insanity.

                     -- Long live Palestine --

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