Sacred the Whore Zine // Issues 1 + 2

in #zine6 years ago

sacred words sexdeathrebirth.gif

Sacred The Whore: The Connection Between Naughty Words and Religious Language

This is a new zine that I made called Sacred the Whore. Issue 1 and 2 come together, as a pair. Each zine is created in the mini-zine format and has 7 sex psalms. These psalms are poems created in a modified cut-up technique. Modified in that I didn't use the traditional style of using cut-ups the whole way through, I randomly picked one of two lines, and constructed the rest of the poem around that prompt.

sacred the whore zines sexdeathrebirth.JPG

Issue #1 (cum) // Issue #2 (blood)

These zines are available for purchase on my website.

*I'll make other posts with some previews of the contents of the zines...

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Looks rad! I really appreciate when people make projects that are physicals and can be distrubuted. There is something to holding it in your hands v.s. viewing it online or seeing photographs on walls. Somehow zines always find their way through many different hands and across many miles.

I always wanted to make a zine, but never fully committed to writing it. I've never been much of a physical artist though, so the project is daunting.

Thanks! The best part about zines is that its okay if you're not much of a physical artist... they can be whatever you want. Words, scribbles, collage, etc... Just make one!

A couple years ago I used to host a zine workshop at my apartment. I provided all the supplies one might need to make a zine, in exchange I asked that people bring some extra magazines and books for cutting up. It was pretty amazing, because throughout the night, everyone was so quiet because they were all really involved in making their zines.

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