Zimbabwe predicts new bitcoin price.

in #zimbabwe7 years ago

The times they are a' changing.

There are billions of people who are classed as living in abject poverty and the three most important things they want right now are food, clothing and smartphones.

Smartphones? Yep that's right.

Many of the poorest people in the world now use smartphones or are trying their hardest to get one.

These new smartphone owners now have a looking glass enabling a consciousness raising perspective on the world that surrounds them. They are seeing the comparative luxury that is being denied to them. They are learning.

Many are experiencing hyper inflation in their countries. Money that isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
The few that have bank accounts have seen their savings evaporate. For example Venezuela is experiencing triple digit annual inflation rate.

They cannot trust their governments. The pay for their hard days labour shrinks to nothing and they are fed up with the status quo.

What does this mean?

They are starting to use Bitcoin. Thousands now, millions soon, billions eventually. This is what will put the value in bitcoin.

About a month ago when bitcoin reached $5000 on the main exchanges it was trading for $7000 in Zimbabwe.
A few weeks later bitcoin was trading at $7000 +.

Today we have news of a military backed transfer of power in Zimbabwe and their local bitcoin trading price reached $13,000+

Will we see that price in the next month?

The pattern says yes, but what's $13,000 compared to the price of a bitcoin in five years time?

So What?

The price of a bitcoin will not be driven by the FOMO of the affluent, but by the necessity of the less affluent masses to survive and prosper.

Peace out



thanks for shining a light on this

Countries with an already largely cash based economy are definitely ones to keep an eye on and might become a solid base for btc and others. Thanks, very interesting!

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