User Guide | How to Provide Liquidity on Zyro

in #zilliqa4 years ago (edited)


Click [Pool] - [Add Liquidity]


Select the tokens and amount you want to provide - [Approve] and confirm the transaction.


After confirming, go to ZilPay, click the tx, and [View on ViewBlock]


When you submit an transaction (approve/swap/supply) to zilliqa chain, there will be three possible states, a: a red dot, that means the transaction failed, its rejected by zilliqa’s node, could be network issue, could be gas fee issue, so refresh the web and submit it again, probably with higher gas fee. B: a green dot, that means the transaction is accepted by zilliqa’s node, plz tap on the transaction and click on ‘view on viewblock’, most of the time it means that the transaction is succeeded, but in some cases it may fail, if it fails, plz try again with higher gas fee. C: half green circle, this mean the transaction is waiting to be submitted to zilliqa’s node, plz wait till it turns into either green or red dot. plz wait till the approve transaction turns to green dot in your zilpay then click swap/supply, otherwise it may fail because your wallet needs your approve before zyro’s contract making any interaction with it.

If the transaction failed, go back and raise the gas fee. Then, try again.


If it succeeded, go back and click [Supply] - [Confirm Supply] and then confirm the transaction that pops up.



Go back to the previous page and check the liquidity you provided.


By adding liquidity to Zyro, you will ger ZLPT. ZLPT is the token that you get in return when you provide liquidity, it is like lpt for uniswap, the design is for future composability, for example, the ZLPT could be your collateral to borrow more zil/zyro to regain the liquidity.

ZLPT is instantly minted when you provide liquidity(of coz given the block producing time, could be a lit bit delay), which you can see on top right. Soon more pairs are coming, but we don't want users to be spammed by fake pairs and always had to confirm the contract address. so we will list new pairs thru community voting, token holders will be deciding which pair to be listed.


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