Looking for zero figure? See what will happen in zero figure?

in #zero7 years ago

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Many people are now complaining about women's 'zero figure'. Although Zero Figures, Diseases Bones, Jiggers, or Rubbish Women are at risk of various health problems. In this article, there are many problems of women in Zero Figures.

What is Zero Figure?
The first word "zero figure" is used by American darjira They used a 14-year-old for sale of ready made garments for girls. According to the estimates, zero figure size was 33 inches, waist 25 inches, and hip 35 inches. The BMI of most Zero Females is 16.5 to 18, which is less than usual.
Later this Zero Finger thing became popular in the media. After performing in different modeling and catwalks of Zero Figures, many of them are very tired.

Zero figure loss

  1. Shutdown
    Zero figure girls have less weight, so their level of leptin hormone decreases. The hormonal balance is interrupted if the leptin hormonal level is low. As a result, the probability of childbirth decreases.

  2. Complications of childbirth
    Zero Figures have fewer distances than the two hipbones, so their bentho canals are reduced. This shows the complexity of childbirth.

  3. Complications during pregnancy, loss of the baby
    Many girls suffer from morning sickness (frequent vomiting and eating nothing) within the first three months of pregnancy. During this time, the fat stored in their stomach and hip was supplied to the body. But zero-figure girls have no stored fat in the stomach and hip, so on those days there is a shortage of energy in the body, which inhibits the growth of the baby's pregnancy.

  4. Irregular period
    Progesterone Hormone Controls the Period Bike of Girls and it is a steroid hormone. Lower the level of fat in the body, this hormone level also decreases. As a result, the people of Zero Figures, many of them suffer from irregular period problems.

  5. Decrease in sexual needs
    Due to lack of body fat, steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decreases. As a result, Zero Figure girls' sex needs decreased.

  1. Osteoporosis
    Many women in Zero Figures suffer from undernourished nutrition. As a result, there is a lack of vitamins, minerals and fat in their body. Due to lack of vitamin D and calcium, the bones become weak and fragile.

  2. Dentate
    Most of the Zero Figures suffer from the lack of various vitamins. As a result, their dentistry is seen.

  3. Stomach problems
    Girls of Zero Figures suffer from various stomach problems. Because the bowel movement decreases, they suffer from constipation and abdominal pain. Besides, acute inflammation of acidic reflux, gastric irsan etc. also suffer from problems.

  4. Anemia
    Zero Figures are suffering from lack of protein and iron. As a result, many of them have anemia.

  5. Frustration and emotional problems
    Most of the Zero Figures suffer frustration. They are behind them in Anoraccia. In this they become a bit irritable.

  6. Hair and skin problems
    Zero figure girls' hair becomes thin and thin, due to the lack of scaler protein. In addition to the lack of vitamins, the skin becomes rough, dry and dry.

  7. Electrolyte imbalance
    Zero figure women have fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the body. As a result, work of the body's Vital organs such as bren, kidney, heart etc. are interrupted.

  8. Unwanted hair
    Zero figure girls have a lot of unwanted hair on their back, arms and mouth. The reason for this is decreasing the amount of hormonal imbalance and body fat in the body.

  9. Weakness
    Many women in Zero Figures suffer from weakness. Because of this, many of them can not get hands and feet in different stages. Many people face adverse reactions when they work.

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