Zen Colouring Contest #15 -

Hi, Steemians.
A great greeting here I present my entry to participate in the Zen Coloring Contest # 15 - A chance to WIN SBD by coloring a weekly pattern !.

arbol flores.jpg

every week I draw a pattern with the assigned color, this was my result download the image of the contest and paint it in paint then mount it in a background with a tree, I hope you like it.

yf flor.png

Tree background font:

contest link:https://steemit.com/zencolouringcontest/@magiccleatus/zen-colouring-contest-15-a-chance-to-win-sbd-by-colouring-a-weekly-pattern

firma yumi  steemit.png


I like the use of black, red and yellow, it creates more depth to the pattern. Paired with the tree background it looks like hanging fruit. :D

Thanks for entering in the #zencolouringcontest, I am grateful for your support!


Please name the colour you'd pick for next week's featured colour!

Hello for the next week I would like the green color

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