Zen Colouring Contest #11

Hi Steemit friends, here is my participation for Zen Coloring Contest # 11 sponsored by @magiccleatus.

yf soldado.jpg

My presentation is elaborated with the image assigned by the contest and the silver color, which I assimilate as a shield of a Roman warrior, take several combinations with black and blue. I painted it in Paint and this was the result. the soldier's image is taken from Google.


Well friends I hope you like it, until another opportunity. Thanks for visiting my post.

The color for next week I would like pink.

Source of the Roman warrior image:

Contest link:https://steemit.com/zencolouringcontest/@magiccleatus/zen-colouring-contest-11-a-chance-to-win-sbd-by-colouring-a-weekly-pattern

firma yumi  steemit.png


I think the combinations of black, blue and gray work really well together. A very decorative Roman shield!

Thanks for supporting the #zencolouringcontest with your entry!

Great work with the art @yumifer

Following You!

Thanks friend


Thanks for naming the colour you'd pick for next weeks featured colour!

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