Zen Colouring Contest - || Triangular Entanglement ||

Hello friends, I bring you my participation this week, a tangled triangle. For the image the color of use was purple, and if you play with this color a lot in the figure, however also use other colors such as aquamarine yellow and blue; because if they are fixed well or according to my opinion the yellow is a perfect companion of the purple, the good as I said before I really like blue in different shades, I could not avoid not including two bright colors go well together with a dark shade of purple; On the other hand, add perspective to the drawing, therefore a shadow is presented in it.

The background is basically the theme of the week, but they are lines, it is a pretty tangled, abstract background, colored in purple to make this week's color focus.


I suggest that aquamarine shadows be used next week.

I hope you like it, and until next week.


I love the mixture of colour, yellow pairs really well with purple, I agree! I also like how the yellow forms a separation from the different triangles, which makes the patterns you created in each segment more striking. I also really like the tangled abstract background, very fitting!

Thanks for entering and supporting the #zencolouringcontest!


Thanks for naming Aquamarine! as your suggestion for next weeks featured colour!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

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