Entry for Zen Colouring Contest #30 - The power of the ocean

Hi Steemians! It is a pleasure to participate in this contest. Thank you to: @magiccleatus!

ZenColouringStencil-Week-30 The power of the ocean.png

■ The featured Colour this week is Purple. I added some colors to my zen colouring.

■ I used: Paint. With its color palette.

■ For the next week I choose a palette of green colors.

Week's Stencil, I downloaded it from the @magiccleatus's Zen Colouring Contest #30.

Thank you and successes to all!



I love the patterns of colour on the small fish and the mix of lilac and blue for the ocean sections. The pink and yellow coral center is very eye catching, I especially like the pattern of colour in the ring of sand ripples!

Thank you for participating and supporting in the #zencolouringcontest!


Thanks for naming Green Palette! as your suggestion for next weeks featured colour!

Okay, thank you!

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