Zen Colouring Contest #6

Hello fellow Steemians once again here’s my entry to this awsome contest called “Zen Colouring Contest #6. While examining this Zen design carefully, I could see this image appear in my mind, a very colorful lavender rattle snake 🐍 . A fairly good sized one at that. One of God’s most beautiful creatures in my opinion. You might disagree with me but the design, and designs on them are amazing. You just have to look past the biting part if you can. Thank you and many blessings to you all, Good luck to all contestants!



Nice job. You are one of the few people I know who likes snakes. That surprises me. I sense a talent to turn negative into positive. Pretty color. Thanks.

Hi again friend! I’m posting a lot off art today ain’t I ? Thank you so much again @enjoywithtroy for all your support wow your awsome. Ran out of money already this afternoon sorry friend. You give me so much, I’m not worthy! Love you brother, have a nice day❣️

WOW! Last week an owl this week a snake! Fantastic, I love how you can change the stencil into an animal without taking away from the pattern!

Another amazing entry @lildebbiecakes!

Thank you @magiccleatusit this was so much fun, loved the colors you picked to work with. I was wanting to have the snakes tongue flicking in and out but I didn’t get that done. There’s some beautiful designs here again, hard choice to pick from good luck with that friend, wouldn’t want to be the judge!

So creative, I love the snake idea

Thank you so much @fersu, so nice of you to stop by!

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

I love it, you created a very good work!

This is beautiful and so creative! I love how you turned it into a snake, I love them to, they are beautiful creatures, their colors, patterns are shapes are so intriguing. Good luck with the contest!

Ooooo this is really kewl @lildebbiecakes. That's kewl you like snakes! They don't bother me too much, however when I lived in Colorado/Wyoming I was a little scared of running into a rattle snake eeek. But I never did lol.

ZCacceptedentrySmall.pngENTRY ACCEPTED!!

Please name the colour you'd pick for next week's featured colour!

Hello @magiccleatus! I’d like blues, and bless you!

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