
There is nothing wrong with printing it out and doing the old fashioned way, but digitally is way easier than you think if you have a laptop or desktop; I'll meet you in Steem Terminal some time and explain it, but if you only have a phone or a tablet, like ipad, I don't know what programs they have on there.

I have a Mac desktop :)

There are a bunch of free art programs that you can choose from to download, and play if you so choose, I have Krita, GIMP, Sketchbook (which I really like so far, still experimenting), Inkscape, and a couple others. And there are plenty of people around that will help you anytime you need help, like @lildebbiecakes, or @deemarshall, and I know they also print out sometimes and paint I believe.
And there is certainly nothing wrong with printing it out and doing it manually! I still do that sometimes...

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