The video that threw off the moss and got the ball rolling...

in #zen7 years ago (edited)

In my life I've spent a lot of time pondering different religious and philosophical parts of who I am. I primarily focus on who I am in the world and what the best way for me to be in it is. "How should I deal with this person?" "How should I handle this situation?" "Is the way I've been raised truly the best for humanity as a whole?"

This has led me down a very interesting path, and while I do still consider myself to be a Christian, I'm probably very, very far from what most people would call a "Christian", especially here in the U.S. The point of this post though is to highlight a video that I believe really set me off in the deepest parts of figuring things out. Here's Alan Watts' awesome presentation, "The Void"...

One of my favorite quotes from the whole video and one I keep going back to as a litmus test for what I've been through:

"It is as if quite suddenly you became totally convinced that the way everything is in this universe and at this moment is absolutely right."

The interesting part about this quote is it perfectly exemplifies the feeling I had when pondering the idea of the multiverse. One day I came to the conclusion that there could be no multiverse because the way everything is right here and now, despite its pains and sufferings, is exactly how it needs to be. If it weren't for who and what we are now, what would be the point? If there truly was another "copy" of me somewhere else that didn't have to deal with the things I did, what value would the self that I am have? It was so profound to consider that everything that I know and don't know all happened exactly the way it needed to for me to be exactly where I am and that it is truly the only way. I'm sure many here would disagree, but I can do nothing but stick by my guns on this conviction because of the relief I felt once I came to this realization.

I hope this was a little bit of enlightenment in your day and KEEP STEEMING!


awesome to see you sharing something real about yourself

Thanks, I always try to be as real as I can, but I do hold back from just dumping my life story. There are certain things that have created drastic changes in my life and I love sharing those, for sure.

yes i have many layers to my onion life story too and won't be dumping it all -- but i will give glimpses and let people know a bit about me if they stick with me

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