Zen koan of the day - The One Road of Kempo

in #zen6 years ago

The One Road of Kempo

A student asked Master Kempo:

I understand that all Buddha of the whole universe enter by one road into Nirvana.
Where is this one road?

Kempo raised his walking stick, drew the figure "1" and said, "Here it is."

Later, this monk went to Umon to ask the same question.

Umon, turning around his fan, said:

This fan will reach the thirty-third heaven and hit the nose of Sakra Devendra, the highest deity in these heavens. It is like the giant carp of the Eastern Sea tipping over with its tail a rain cloud to have the rain pour down.


dcj commentary: Each speaks the truth of their perspective. It reminds me of "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."

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