A Few Thoughts On Zappl

in #zappl7 years ago

Over the last couple weeks I started using the Zappl platform for micro blogging. Zappl is a twitter like platform, that utilizes Steem & the Steemit platform for micro blogging.

I was really excited when I heard rumors that a Steem powered "twitter like" platform was in development. Anyone that follows me on twitter knows, The Dood likes to tweet, and The Dood tweets A LOT! On top of that I love the idea of cryptocurrency incentive platforms, that compete with corporate giants. Lets face it, for years these companies have reaped incredible rewards from user content, and the people that make the platform great; you the user; never receive a dime. With platforms like Steemit, Zappl, and a few others that are in the works, this is all about to change. Now content creators can reap the rewards of a successful social media platform. Seems to me that's how it should be.

The website zappl.com is now up and running and in beta release. The site looks great, and being in beta the user experience still has a long way to go. Features like comments work from Steemit, but not on the Zappl end yet. Clicking the "messages" link gives you a nice "coming soon" message. The "home" feed doesn't show follower content yet but I believe you can find this in your steemit feed. Also, many people may not know this, but if you edit your post on Steemit, it will disappear from Zappl. This is something I'd love to see get fixed because being able to edit your post is a long needed feature on twitter that people have really longed for.

Again, Zappl is in beta and just like Steemit, improvements are released regularly. If you ask me, it's a bit exciting to be part of a project this early on, and watch it grow and improve. I'm sure in no time at all, we'll have more features on the platform than we will know what to do with.

One feature I would love to see added is the separation of Zappl & Steemit posts. In other words, my steemit blog posts don't show up automatically in my Zappl feed, and I'd love the same in reverse. If I post a micro blog to Zappl, I'd rather it didn't show up in my Steemit feed. At the very least I'd love a Steemit feature where a follower could choose to "mute" my Zappl posts. Again, I really love micro blogging, and I would probably use the platform as much as I use twitter, but fear all the "noise" in my Steemit feed, may upset some of my Steemit friends. Many people don't want to see 20 or 30 zapps a day of news links, price quotes, and crypto charts. It would be nice to have a feature that filters out that content for steemit users who would rather read an interesting story, or your typical blog content over links and news stories.

All in all I really like this new platform though. I'll probably begin to use it more and more. It's great having another steem powered platform to be found on. I've already made a couple new Zappl friends on the platform and it's great watching how other people are using the platform. Although I may not use it as much as I'm using twitter currently, I'll probably start Zapping out a few Zapps a day on a regular basis. It really is a fun way to share a big news story, a video, or some important personal information that doesn't need an entire blog post.

If you're already on Steemit & haven't tried Zappl yet, you might want to mosey on over there and check it out for yourself. This is definitely a fun tool to add to your Steemit social media posting.

So what do you guys think of Zappl? Are you using it already? Do you like seeing Zapps in your Steemit feed?

I'm also really curious to see what you guys feel are too many Zapps. If I started utilizing Zappl as much as I use Twitter sending out crypto news links, price updates, and crypto charts, how many Zapps are too many?

Thanks for reading, and if you're on Zappl you can follow me here: https://zappl.com/#!/@the-bitcoin-dood

And if you're on twitter I hope you'll follow me here: https://twitter.com/BitcoinDood

For all the U.S. readers, wishing you all a happy & blessed Thanksgiving. For everyone else... Happy Trading :)


Great write up, I've been hot to trot with zappl since the beginning. And have the same concerns as you. So I opened this account just to zap with for a few different reasons. I have security issues with zappl.com and the way keys are treated. Don't want to clog my blog site @codypanama with zaps. I like your idea of muting #zappl posts but who knows, maybe Zaps will just take over in the end with blogging on the side?
Thanks for your thoughtful post.

Thanks. That's a great idea with @codyzaps as your Zappl account. Having a second account strictly for zaps may be something I'll consider in the future.

I'll be installing @codyzaps on my phone for beta testing and quick zaps on the road. that way people can decide if they want to follow one or the other or both.

That's really cool. I'll definitely be using Zappl all the time when the app comes out. There's been so many times I just wanted to post a picture to Steemit, or quickly share something that was going on in my life. A Zappl app will be the perfect solution.

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