Why Best To Ignore Price Action???

in #zappl7 years ago

Segwit 4 Bitfinex & Coinbase; BTC price drops. BTC Core Client supports Seg Wit; BTC price drops. @nedscott makes announcement; STEEM falls. Steven Seagal joins crypto fray..maybe why crypto feel. Good news, prices fall...welcome to crypto.


I don’t really worry about price because that’s how the market works . It has its ups and downs . The losers and weak ones are selling now and brining price down

Yeah, it doesn't always make any sense. Gotta love that imo, big swings up, big swings down, trends suddenly developing from seemingly nowhere and who knows what tomorrow brings?

At least the rollercoaster ride isn't boring!

Correct. My first down falls were scary but it seems that I’m getting immune for this. In stead I’m seeing oppertunities!

Exactly. Even when the media speculate all crypto could go down to zero, just realise what real business potential there is in automating things that require ledgers and bookkeeping.

As long as there are people willing to make money by using new technologies to improve upon existing obsolete structures, you're good.

But it also has a downside. Technology is taking peoples jobs.
I myself work in the Ict and each release we bring out, means that business can reduce a person.
That’s were steemit jumps in!

That is very true @fullcoverbetting.

Technological unemployment is coming hard and fast. I am surprised that people still try to debate this. I am working on a post that talks about this in greater detail but basically the link between labor and capital is broken...that is what is different this time.

That is why I am so behind STEEM and Manna...two of the tokens I believe will help act as basic incomes for people. They are going to start acquiring these to make up for the financial loss through traditional jobs.

People will have a way to earn without "working"...although anyone who is serious on the site knows it takes a lot of effort, dedication, and consistency.

So work is a relative term.

I believe I did recommended a time ago I video which was presented to me on a course. Humans need not apply. I will give you lots of ideas for your post about it.
We (wife and me) are raising 2 sons. 5 (6 on Sunday) and 9 and I don worry about their future job wise. But probably my parents had the same doubts.
I thinking about opening for both a steemit account and writing some kind of diary each 2 weeks. This way they will have a head start if this really becomes the future.

I have to admit that you are showing us the way! Great post after post, which I would had these qualities.

Yes it is a good video...really explains things in detail.

It is a great idea to get your kids on Steemit and doing a little something to enhance their future. Actually, I think it imperative that we all do as much as we can with utility tokens...it is the future.

That is what happens around crypto.

I own some Tesla and a couple weeks ago they had their earnings call. The stock feel over 6% after hours...my buddy was on the phone telling me this and I was like, that isnt much.

How our perspective changes.

Indeed, once you are involved in cryptos a new world perspective is handed to you!

It isnt boring and makes one immune to the percentages in the stock market.

A 10% drop in a stock in the market would have holders of that freaking out. In crypto, eh just another day. Just wait, might go down another 10% tomorrow or could go up 20%.

It's always so fast to rise and then when the bottoms come we wait and wait, many get scared and back out or make a mistake and lose money, when all you have to do is sit on it... & and of course BTFD

I know I will be taking advantage of this discounted STEEM price before too long when the price soars to an ATH


You are right @conradsuperb.

The tops are very quick to reverse yet bottoms can be slow in forming.

Hurry up and wait is what we do a lot of in the crypto world......

This is especially true when it comes to the development on these blockchains....it seems like a lot of stuff takes forever.

Yes, most definitely so. I am patiently waiting for these alts to start going bazingaaa so I can take some profits, grab back my initial investment and then reinvest into steem.
I believe highly in steem and the steem blockchain, so I am planning to continue investing in the platform from time to time.

Catch you on the flip side

No big deal. Down 10% is nothing. I’m not selling my crypto.

If you are searching for logic in crypro, you can go mad. Good thing is that strong fundamentals are strong fundamentals - this is what we should care about :)

Yeah if you put a lot of your emotions into the price action of crypto, you will end up bipolar.

It bounces around like a superball.....

My policy would be to find a crypto with a good project idea and a good team and also one with a low marketcap, buy and HODL!
It works like a charm 🙂

In a bull market like tnis one everything works like a charm. My prediction is that after the bear market is over, investors will be very very picky, until totally new money pours in. But keep it up if it works for you! :)

Daytrader's and Short -Termer's are the one's who are putting their emotions into the price action of Crypto. Especially to those who have no base.

If you are a speculator, look continuously at prices and daily-trading, maybe you can win a couple of coins seeing numbers all day, if you really believe in the power of the blockchain and as a bonus you want to make enough money, then simply HODL , it does not matter how the prices are now because we know that the real value is much higher. :)

Even if the price is falling down, I still remember that the strong cryptos will go up in the end, and that soon they will be treated more like money, so that we might not even have to worry about the price anymore.

Bitcoin crashed from 20k to 6k...than recovered to almost 12k. It is just consolidation in my opinion, although we might go lower. Agree, welcome to crypto.

I agree that it is most likely consolidation.

Good things happening and price goes down....welcome to crypto is right.

The folks on CNBC are loving days like today.

When you just HODL, your nerves will thank you. Following all the little ups and downs and trying to time the markets will make you go crazy in no time! I've been there, couldn't sleep well while active trading so gave it up pretty soon. Today, I sleep like a log and a lot, super relaxed with my passive diversified strategy ;) regards Task

I've been there, couldn't sleep well while active trading so gave it up pretty soon. Today, I sleep like a log and a lot, super relaxed with my passive diversified strategy ;)

The twins sleeping through the night has a lot to do with that I am sure.

Yep, that happened back when the twins were crying late at night so it was one more reason to stop active trading, plus there's taxes and fees even for blinking...

And slippage...you have to love the spread between when you put the order in and what you actually get it for....the exchanges make out like bandits.

Now the only crying involved me when my CryptoMillionaire app doesnt work....they I am like a baby in the woods...scared and alone.

Yep, slippage is another bane of active trading, together with fees, taxes and failed timing of markets it eats traders souls slowly... haha you know I'm a big fan of passive indexing.

Don't worry about Crypto Millionaire, it's stabilized now and we are already working on new features, including that one you frequently request about prices going only up ;) ha just kidding on that one.

I'll write about the new filter options tomorrow. You'll like it, you'll see! Regards


I have full trust in you my friend..each addition has been great....

As for the feature that only goes up, google Bernie Madoff...he figured out how to do that..just copy his stuff...he wont mind where he is. LOL

Haha, it should be in everyone's interest to ignore the prices when they join the crypto world. Of course, only if you want to maintain a healthy mind, otherwise, your sanity is at stake!

I agree. One can drive him or herself crazy if too much emotional weight is put upon the price of things.

I like to check where things are at but from the perspective of an observer. I rarely get emotional over my holdings especially since I believe they are going much higher.

Yeah, when you begin to understand what the future holds for us, there's absolutely no reason to worry about these minor setbacks. In the future, we will remember such days and laugh about all those crashes and downtrends, haha!

Yeah just like the BTC hodlers laugh when it went from $900 to $300 a couple years ago....

Seems pretty inconsequential at this point with BTC over $10K....

Hopefully soon we will laugh when we discuss STEEM going from $8 to under $4....

Oh yes, the time is coming soon when we'll laugh about that...

How soon? I need to know now.

Next week? The week after? WHEN????

Hehe, let's keep this a secret :P

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