My St. Patrick's Day STEEM Forecast...$10...Oops.

in #zappl6 years ago

I said before the new year that STEEM would be $10 by 3/17. Today is the day and I am only $8 off. An $8 miss in the price of AMZN, not so bad..on STEEM..not so good. Happy St Patricks Day to all our Irish members..$20 by 4th of July!!!


Too early my friend, it'll get there but this market needs to go through its ups and downs. Also, by the time we get there $10 may not to have the same value $10 have today. I believe inflation is creeping upon us, it'll be Jimmie Carter's / Reagan's inflation mess all over again, just the president names will be changed for the recent and current ones.

Can't wait for a 10 dollar loaf of bread..

I dont buy the inflation argument. The Fed has been trying for that for 10 years...going through unprecedented easing yet has hit the 2% mandate only a couple time. They parked $13T in the banks vaults and still couldnt get it. We are on two decades without wage growth plus more of the economy is under the laws of IT.

That is a deflationary rate they cannot win against...and I dont think the Fed/Congress is even slightly aware of that. Their tightening is only going to put a foot on the throat of the economy, one which isnt quite as hot as they advertise.

I am with you! Happy SPD. We'll get those snakes and crypto pagans out of here today!!!

29.3.1995 or like you 'muricans say 3.29.1995, was my birthday. Steem better hit some record highs by then.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I do have an astrological chart. No kidding. And I'm pretty accurate. Your $20 forecast by July, according to my charts probably won't happen. There are some significant internal changes within Steemit that will be taking place over the next few months. There is a possibility that these changes may occur prior to July 1st. If so Steem will go up for a bit. Blessings.

Thanks for the reading @mistermercury.

What do your charts tell you by the end of 2018?

I don't see any good news for Bitcoin in the short term (this year). there will be major challenges from governments and banking systems. Unfortunately as Bitcoin goes so does most of the other Crypto's. Steemit has a better chart but will still be challenged. Some of the challenges will come from growing pains within it's own system and adjustments that must be made. But... well, there is a decent chance I'm FOS. Hope so. I don't see Steem doing much better than it is right now... perhaps back up to $3.00.

Thanks for the insight @mistermercury.

That is truly disappointing but it is what the chart says....hard to argue it.

It's okay, taskmaster. No one had a crystal ball to predict the future but I believed the STEEM blockchain will rise after this bloody FUD. Tough times do not last, tough blockchains do. Upvoted!

Yeah I think it will have to raise up after we get past the FUD...most everything will....

Although there might be more down before up....

What's $8 between friends? 😂May the luck of the Irish be with you today and every day 😁

In 100 years...and a week, it will mean nothing. LOL

And I mirror back the same sentiment to you..only double...

Brother here is hoping. I also thought we would be at between $10 and $14 by St Patrick's Day instead it seems like we might be spiraling down for at least a little while longer.

That sucks.

Here's hoping for a brighter 4th of July.

So a 4-20 price forecast 😜

I might have been 4-20 when I made the last least that is what the results indicate.

I have mad faith that it's gonna happen bigly. $20 wound be phenomenal, but I'd definitely be happtly with $10.

I feel like we're at the bottom now. Let's moon.

you are quite optimistic about the July prices :) hope you are right this time, lolz

If at first you dont succeed.....

please don't tell me you are competing with Robert the Bruce, my lambo ride to the moon is then far far away :P

No competing with anyone....just throwing enough numbers out there so that I will be right eventually LOL.

Thou shalt be known as the foreteller of good news and everyone shalt hail thee!!!

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