What is Your School Culture? / Apa Budaya Sekolah Anda?

in #zappl6 years ago (edited)

What is Your School Culture?
The culture of a school will greatly affect the mindset and habits of all the citizens of the school.

Nowadays there are many schools in Indonesia that apply school culture 5S 3 No (Smile, Greetings, Greet, Polite, No Smoking, No Cheating, No Bullying), but whether it has been applied or only symbols?

Apa Budaya Sekolah Anda?
Budaya sebuah sekolah akan sangat mempengaruhi pola pikir dan kebiasaan semua warga sekolah.
Kini sudah banyak sekolah di Indonesia yang menerapkan budaya sekolah 5S 3 No (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, Santun | No Smoking, No Cheating, No Bullying), namun apakah hal tersebut sudah diterapkan atau hanya simbol semata?


By implementing school culture, students able to follow the rule and hopefully will be good students who get better future @syafiqali

That's right @mudzofir Insyaallah

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