Zappl Lives!

in #zappl7 years ago

This post was made with Zappl, a Twitter clone powered by the STEEM blockchain. How will microblogging impact the Steem ecosystem? Will it change automated bot voting? Will zapplers be unfollowed? What do you think?


I just made this alt account for short form content like zaps, memes, one liners etc. I figured that way I won't be unfairly exploiting an existing curation trail for shorter content.

That being said, perhaps there's an unjustified psychological reluctance to make short posts on here because people associate long posts with effort and therefore just rewards. But I think it's not chance that the most viral out there are almost invariably very short, nor is it trivially easy to come up with something that's clever and engaging irrespective of it's length.

I'm excited to see an avenue that supports shorter content on here, as it could change the Steem landscape for the better. I encourage everyone to not be too reluctant to vote on shorter content if they find it engaging, on Zappl or any Steem based platform in general. I'll write more about it one day, perhaps, but there shouldn't be a taboo around shorter content on the Steemit blockchain.

Very well said. I like the idea of creating an alter-ego as well, but at the same time, I also like just doing whatever I want and let people adjust their automated voting as they see fit.

Ultimately, if I'm providing consistent value over time, I think I'll be rewarded by those who want to see that value on the STEEM blockchain.

Also over time app filtering will come in for more platforms and they will separate the content.

Kind of think the same... It is not a bad idea to have a twitter like site on steem blockchain, but it should somehow not be mixed with, it will make the feed go crazy...
There should be some modifications to website to make this work, i think its possible...

@lukestokes FANTASTIC !!! Zappl will only help STEEMIT become bigger and bigger. I love more and more innovation.!/New/zappl untill the feeds are fixed since most posts default to #zappl

Thanks for chiming in! Great work so far. I'm excited to see this develop.

I'm still getting the 5min dialogue box, and can't post!

This is very interesting!, still i am afraid this could flood steemit feed with a lot of short tweets or zapps, and could make harder to find good content...
There should be an upgrade on to make these alternative social media work over the steem blockchain, this one is pretty exciting also, it could bring massive amount of people into the steem blockchain...

I think communities (once they get implemented) will help with this. Just viewing the "new" feed is a bit like drinking from the fire hose.

Does Zappl take 25% of the payout, like dMania?

No, it looks like they are taking 15% right now, similar to ChainBB:

25% eh? That seems a bit high. I haven't used dMania yet. Interesting stuff. :)

Thanks for the quick response.
I have been searching through their posts trying to get an answer to this.

Yeah, 25% seems like highway robbery, I posted one meme using dMania, but I still prefer using Steemit since I can add links to meme tutorials for new people.

I'm all about supporting new and interesting Steem integrations. If they want to take a big chunk, so be it. Someone else may come along and disrupt them with a lower fee. Or maybe a meme-only site isn't going to be sustainable no matter how much they take. Or... maybe it will blow up and bring in all kinds of new Steem accounts powering up to vote up their favorite memes. It's the wild west. Who knows. :)

Zappl is still pretty unusable for me, but it's early and I'm patient, it still shows promise! Feeds and discoverability are very sporadic right now, and although I was able to upvote your zap on Zappl, I was unable to comment in any way so I came over to Steemit instead!

I do see myself mixing Zaps and longer form blogs in the future, and perhaps images through a frontend like Steepshot as well. I think most content producers can successfully mix the various types of content into an overall social media schedule. I've barely used Twitter and never Instagram, but I'm determined to stay on top of most of the Steem blockchain offerings!

I'd love to see Steemit (or Busy, or another competing frontend) become more widgetized. It would be wonderful to have the option of placing a Zappl widget into a sidebar, where you can see other peoples zaps filtered from their normal blog, and when on our own blog page be able to zap directly from it.

Widgets... hmm. That might be interesting. I wonder though, was that MySpace's downfall when people started customizing it too much?

Yeah, Zappl does look a bit buggy at the moment, but, as you said, it's earlier. I hadn't used it yet so I wanted to try it out.

I wouldn’t mind if Steemit decided a unified UI for everyone, people can go a bit crazy with too much customization! But rather than just filters and tabs I’m hoping content from top alternative style UIs gets nicely formatted if users choose to toggle it on.

I made this mock-up in a post 6 months ago when Zappl and Steepshot were fairly fresh announcements. I’d be inclined to incorporate dTube now too! This is still my basic dream Steemit. I want someone to rise to the challenge of giving me a great dashboard to a variety of blockchain content.

Feeds have been fixed

I think Zappl will led to better feed filtering features on Steemit.

I hope so. It's going to get quite interesting when people's feeds fill up with long-form essays, short tweets, streaming video, and everything in between.

For all the grumbles that might cause, ultimately that kind of variety in content shows a massively healthy STEEM ecosystem. It's also nothing that good feed software can't fix for those agitated by certain content types.

Interesting to see Zappl in action.

Has it got a character limit like Twitter?

Yep. Seems they went with 240 right out of the gate.

Thanks. Thinking through this further it does raise all sorts of complexities.

As you mention, will auto-voters be able to exclude Zappl posts even though they appear on your blog feed?

I'm not active on Twitter at the moment but when I was I would regularly be posting 6,7,8 times a day. I guess that might be the same for many. Auto-voters could quickly get overrun / exhausted I guess - although I don't know the mechanics of them.

Also will people who follow you be annoyed by the big increase in posts? As you suggest, will they unfollow you? Zappl posts somehow need to be segmented on the blog feed I guess.

Zapply does appear very attractive. Preparing a full post takes so much time I often don't get the chance to make the post. Zapping out a quick 240 character post on Zappl will be way easier.

Definitely going to watch how this one plays out.

It will be interesting, for sure. I wonder, if people had more quick little posts in their feed, would they actually read more posts? Makes me wonder if a "time to read" or "length of post" indicator might be helpful in the summary view on Steemit (and other interfaces)

I guess Time to Read etc could be tricky. Maybe just an icon for each post type - steemit post, DTube, Zappl etc?

Yeah, that might be enough. ChainBB shows which version of ChainBB posted, but only once you drill down to the post from the summary view though.

An option to hide posts taged in zappl or other apps built on the steemit blockchain should do the trick. All apps should auto-add their identity tag to all content posted from that app.

I think this is the way to go.

Interesting... I did a decline payout, but that didn't work, did it? I'll use the rewards to promote a Zappl related post in 7 days when it pays out (hopefully I'll remember).

@lukestokes you will remember put a Post-It-Note on your Forehead.............

Hahah. Nice.

There is no decline payout in zap

If that's the case, they should remove this option from the interface:

Not sure why they wouldn't allow decline payout... I guess maybe they need to make their 15% rewards cut.

It will in the future,
they keep upgrading,

I am positively hoping that zap post will not appear in steemit blog,
Zap is steemit base, what was in steemit, they just copy it!

This only comes if the app you are using decides to put in app filtering.

Zap post must stay in zap, better they will keep it that way.

investigare sobre zappl, todo esto es nuevo para mi. gracias amigo

Siempre hay demasiadas cosas para aprender en un día determinado.

This could be very interesting. Might be perfect for my haiku! Hmm... but I won't be able to make comments on translated haiku I post. I'll have to think about how best to use this. Anyway, thanks for the post. I'm going to go explore now.

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