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RE: When you are taking 30k a week outta Steemit Rewards and selling "Minnows" $10 dollar upvotes...(Op/Ed. entertainment only right?)

in #zappl7 years ago

Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that spending time communicating with other people about an issue you care about is wasting time?

Physician, heal thyself.

I want to be clear, I'm not defending anyone. I'm simply pointing out that your reasoning is crap and you should probably be a little embarrassed by it. The goal you've set in the means by which you are implicitly pursuing it is ultimately going to be self-destructive, and you should know that.

I'm simply saying that you should be honest about what you want and what you mean. I really don't care how much other people are pulling out of the system because I recognize that it is inherently slanted, from day zero, the white paper, to reinforce self-reflective efforts to generate higher hit rates from the reward pool. That is to say, self voting and clade voting are designed into the system to be extremely rewarding, the more so as you gain more SP for leverage.

Acting outraged about that is ignorant.

If the defense of your position is "well, you probably shouldn't bother trying to communicate with me," you should at least be honest about that. If the worst and most scurrilous slander you can provide is, "you're too smart and using too many words," I'm probably just going to cop to that and wonder, publicly, why you bother being here at all.

You can't defend yourself based on the arguments you presupposed. Or won't. You can't defend yourself based on critique of your philosophy. Or won't. And you won't actually engage in discussion.

What is it you're doing, then? Is it just making a post so that rah-rah people can dump their up votes on it so that you can take some money out of the pool? Isn't that exactly what you're criticizing?

I don't mind hypocrisy just so long as we're honest and upfront about it.


is it really so, does the white paper stipulate that self voting is the focus of the system in any way?

the way I see it theres dividends and you can use votes to help attribute it, your voting power determines the vested interest that you can sway.

people tell me I'm wrong, shrug

The WP also speaks about sweat equity. I think there is a considerable amount of tension between the two concepts. They tend to stand at odds with one another. One person's habitual self voting can serve to undermine the sweat equity generated by another as I understand the terms to me. It would have been good if the devs went into greater detail.


Dood, it's a call to action for "those in the know" and apparently you are not. More to come, U should grab your cereal bowl, and sit on the sidelines.
@lextenebris AS these replies (lines) get a bit convoluted

I apologize profusely for using ideas which are too complex and sentences which are too fraught for you to make your way through. I will endeavor to use smaller words and less complicated ideas going forward.

A call to action for "those in the know." That's hilarious! Good one!

Actually, you misunderstood me. I edited my reply above for more clarity.
I added your @lex... to show it was for you, and in my brevity triggered your
"superiority complex", apparently ;)

Its funny when those who buy into the posts that berniesanders pay irany and pakistani people to write for him to attack the other investors and secure his, cause them to attack each other for discussing it, I added a miniscule vote to try and counteract you being censored lextenebris, and you're right actually no matter the extent of getting your dividends, you're still just getting the interest on your investment.

Steem is wonderful, it has a convenient way to attribute your interest to other members too.

If you take it yourself, that's just using your investment, even if you pay everything out to yourself, you still helped steem by investing capital.

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