
ha ha love it

I feel personally attacked :P

Hahahah! It wasn’t personal toward anyone.

Wanna buy some Tron?

No ripple for me although it'll make him some $'s down the road! Ripple ain't for me. Enjoyed!

Yeah I been staying away too. I’m NOT saying you can’t make $$$ with ripple. Especially at $.95 right now. But I just can’t stomach it.

Same here. I think it's inevitable the banks trying to wrap their leechy lil' fingers around CryPtos as if they don't own everything already right? I heard poloniex was just bought by circle who goldman sux heavily invests in. This all after the lying JD criticized bitcoin for so long.............. ha! Good to see ya brother. I suppose the banks involvments could heavily increase the price of cryptos much faster but in the would we want them involved or dissolved?

I think the demise of traditional banking is inevitable. But they won't go down without a fight. I'm all for bleeding the fiat system and putting more and more trust into cryptos as the currency of the future. Along with precious metals of course.

Thanks for the comment and upvotes homie!

LOL ! Love what you did on the kids arm there.... Genius....

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