I am not giving up my dreams again...

in #zappl6 years ago

While people are struggling to get their first job, I did everything possible over the last years that I can say I am well experienced in many fields right now. The only problem is that I didnt like anything of what I have done. When I was in the high school I had no clear vision of what I wanted to study or what I wanted to do in my future. Everything I had in mind was that I have to become rich. The big dream of becoming a Millionaire was the only thing in my mind. I left school with the thoughts of everything is easy and possible. But just after some years I realized that it wasnt.


I had to give up my dreams for many years, before I came back to life and start dreaming again. For some reasons I wanted to have a contracting company when I was a teenager. I had no experience or ideas about how everything works. All I knew is thats what I wanted for my future! Anyway, my life experience showed me that nobody really cares whether we get a job or make our dreams true or not. Not the people we send our resume to, not our family members and not our best friends. It is our responsibly alone and we have to deal with it. If we dont save ourselves nobody will save us.

I am not giving up my dreams again even if they look impossible. Even if all the world would stay "it is not going to work out". I did that mistake many times in the past and wont make it again. I changed my mindset and will stay always positive.

Image Source: www.pixabay.com



@hanen I like how you mentioned not our family members and nor our best friends will really care on whether we make it to our dreams or not because its so true and something we need to except its down to only YOU.

I am not giving up my dreams again even if they look impossible. Even if all the world would stay "it is not going to work out".

I am also not going to give up.

You should never give up! Thats the biggest mistake we do.

It was 2011 and I was 31 already when I painted my first painting. Right away I knew I found my passion. So many friends and family told me I was stupid to think I could "just become" an artist. That I had to"know people" etc.. But within 3 years of my first painting, art became my full time career. It's not always easy, but the feeling I get when I finish a new painting and when people tell me stories about how my art touched them, it makes it all worth it :) Good luck, you can make it happen!

That a good and motivating story. I am happy to know that you followed your passion and succeeded. You must write a blog about it to motivate other users and the first one is me already :D I feel positive now and would do my best to succeed :)

Some days it doesn't feel like success, sometimes it's weeks I have to go with no sales and I miss out on some fun opportunities with friends - like there's a concert I really wanted to go to tonight, so I'm kind of in a cranky mood that I can't go. But on the other side on Monday morning when everyone who went to the concert has to go to work, I can sleep in. I love to sleep in on Mondays! lol


Very few words, sometimes some people are always disappointed to say that "you will not achieve" or "do not try very hard". But when you do it all those people are going to be behind you, because this is how it is, good luck and if you want to achieve something do not stop fighting to reach it

Thank you for your kind work. That is the absolute truth

Best of luck for your future! 👍

Thank you :D

i am glad you came to this conclusion. fight for your dreams and never stop :) thanks for it my friend, as it gave me 'motivational kick', too! :)

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