The Stupid. It Burns -- Andrew Cuomo Makes Sure NY Will be a Wasteland

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)


The only thing generating taxes in NY is financial engineering. Cuomohits them w/ a 17% Fairness Tax b/c of Trump's tax cut.

Goddammit, they're all coming to Florida now. Time to move to Mexico.


The trouble with NY is that is is wholly controlled by NYC, which consists primarily of leftist elites who have too much and don't mind paying more and welfare parasites that don't work and pay nothing so they don't care. It's the middle class working stiff that feels the pain.

As for cuomo, he's an idiot and not a day goes by when Mr. "I am the government" Cuomo does not have his ugly mug on camera preaching to us, as if we were his ignorant serfs. In his daily big brother like announcements, he does everything from pander to his base (communists, criminals, and welfare recipients) by complaining about Trump to warning us that it might snow (SNOW??? in NY in the winter? OH MY GOD!!) and cause the roads to be slippery. I guess he will have to wait until summer to complain that Trump farted and caused global warming.

This little dictator governor has presidential ambitions. Beware!

For the last few decades we've called Houston Texas 'New York City South'.
Some NY refugees aren't bad people..once they get deprogrammed. Many times the transition period is hard.

I grew up in the Hudson Valley, I definitely needed some deprogramming as an 18YO. Now? I debated going back there for my mother's funeral... that's how much I dislike NY.

I'm near Saratoga but went to college at HVCC!

funerals are for the living...
your mother is dead..she doesn't care.
are there any living that you want to impress?

Nope.. that was the real problem

if there is no one you feel the need to impress..and you don't want to go.

I agree, but a funeral can also help some people get closure. I prefer to think of loved ones who have died as still living, but that I just have not had a chance to talk to or visit in a while. After all, my own life will pass, but in a blink in the grand scheme of things and I will see them in Heaven (If I get in, that is!). what you think is right.

I'm in NY and counting down my years until escape like a prisoner with a piece of chalk on a rock wall.

consider that this winter is a mild precursor of the immediate future..

Shouldn't New Yorkers love this? After all more taxes is a good thing to the left.

Most of the democrat's support in NY comes from Wall St. Cuomo just spat in their collective eyes. Upstate is pretty red. Cuomo may yet hand the state back to the Repuglicans with this if the Wall St. money dries up for the Democrats.

I can confirm. I am upstate NY and we hate cuomo up here. He lost 53 upstate counties in his last run for governor. However, because of NYC, and a couple of large upstate and western NY cities which are run by democrats (and are high crime, poverty-infested dumps), he won.

Upstate actually has tried to start a succession movement to separate from NYC a few times, similar to what the people west of the California coast are trying to do.

NJ is right behind. The idiots here think all this new spending Murphy wants to implement will be paid for with taxes on newly legal weed. No concept of how quickly these liberal governments blow all the damn money. Property taxes will be raised no matter how much tax revenue the state gets from pot.

They spend it by inviting masses of unskilled, uneducated people from the third world to come in to continue expanding the welfare (parasite) class. The money is spent to support those people and their large numbers of children for life. It's OUR money so the politicians don't care.

The reason they do it is because all the industries that provide goods and services to the parasite class (paid for with our money) give these politicians millions of dollars in legalized kickbacks (aka campaign donations). The parasite class always vote democrat because they pander to them with more "free stuff".

The republicans get their votes from those who are paying for the parasites' free stuff by blaming the democrats and claiming they will stop it if you elect them instead. The truth is, in the end, neither party wants to stop it because they are personally all getting rich off of the campaign donations. That's why even with republicans in power, they are not stopping the things we thought they would.

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