
That looks like a really nice piece of work, I like the sawtooth edge setting. About the chest pains, see a doctor, make sure you tell him you work with rocks, grinding shaping, sanding, and that you have not always been diligent in wearing a protective mask, get the chest not x-rayed, but a die contrast CT scan to see if you have anything in the lung tissues. Be safe, not sorry.

I honestly think it's pleurisy or pneumonia. I went to the E.R. as soon as it happened. They took lung x-rays and did the c.t. with contrast,as well as an e.k.g. I'm waiting on an appointment to do a stress test. (Run on a treadmill hooked up to the E.K.G.) My grandfather died at 50 from a heart attack so I'm not taking any chances. Thanks for your advise and concern.

sorry to hear about the chest pains mate. internal stuff is always more worrying. fingers crossed its nothing serious. whats the plan for this one, another ring or?

Thank you. I was probably going to make a pendant out of it.

helpful information

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