Deirdyweirdy ZAP - 20180905t153233791z

in #zapfic6 years ago

The surgeon lifted his eyes from the gurney his expression grave. Time of death 8.02 he said, devastation evident in his voice. He had lost many a life in this very room, but it was so much more tragic when he failed to save a child.#zapfic


Powerful. I love you weirdy. 5 second read. Better quality than majority of posts on here. You're so low maintenance I feel a bit guilty. It's like sleeping with someone and not staying the night!

I could say the same about your comments. A better laugh than 95% of the posts I read. If you ever lose the day job you have a future in standup.

I'm a introvert unless I've a few drinks in me then Im a raging extrovert. A fun Bobby type. The wife won't let me give up the booze for risk of boring her to death

hahaha! an introvert! give me a freaking fracking break dude!
deirdyweirdy is right though, you were made for this platform as I keep saying because of your brashness and type A personality and of course your humor.

😂😂😂. The brash introvert!! . That’s gonna be my new name on here! Thanks @janton . You have an amazing skill of knocking me down a peg or two while bigging me up a peg or two all in 1 sentence. 😂😂

haha! thank you sir blanchy but I didn't know that I knocked you down, how did I do that? brash is a compliment. at least that's the way I see it. I like that I have skill though, I like the sounds of that, I didn't know I had any.

Only joking @janton . We will always be besties!! We need a few people in here that take us didn’t a peg or two . The place is too nice .

hhaha! yes sir..sir blanchy that's why I do what I do and why you are so refreshing! people on here with all the pandering and sickeningly sweet stuff, slobbering all over and then when it gets to the point of worshiping I start gagging! lol.
just be real people and stop licking peoples boots, give someone a hard time and have fun! lol. Most people have a good sense of humor if you give them a chance.
are you all packed yet? is the good lady happy with you?

I wish you could of heard the sound I made when I read that it was a child. I can't even describe it. Like I was hit below the belt. You always bring some kind of emotion out of me.

deirdayweirdy! ha! wow are you trying to make us sad this time? and you cheated on the art work! running short of time?

Oh you philistine you! Isn't photography art? In my defence, I cycled all over town on my little bike looking for just the right chemist shop to snap my piccy and then spent hours cropping it so it was just perfect.;(

haha! did you really? wow and yawser! well I may have forgotten to mention that although it wasn't original hand-drawn artwork it was still fantastic art! and added tremendously to the captivating story!

Begorrah but aren't you quite the silver-tongued devil!

haha..well... thank you ..I guess?

Perhaps that child would have been another in white garment who will save countless many if he was also saved.
It's been a while @deirdyweirdy

Cheers and thanks for your comment.

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